April 4, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Minutes
III.A. Motion to Approve the Board of Education Minutes of March 21, 2011
III.B. Motion to Approve the First Executive Session Minutes of March 21, 2011
III.C. Motion to Approve the Second Executive Session Minutes of March 21, 2011
IV. Response to Previous Public Comments/Questions, if any
IV.A. Ms. Carlson
IV.B. Mrs. Fultz
V. Communications from the Superintendent
V.A. Community Relations Report- Mr. Clayton Muhammad
V.B. Student Board Member Report - Ms. Iliana Rivera
V.C. Bardwell State of the School Presentation
V.D. Board Discussion Items: None
VII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Stella Gonzalez, Chair
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items
VII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, April 4th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
VII.B. Action Items: None
VIII. Building & Grounds Committee, Raymond Hull, Chair
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items
VIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Thursday, April 7th at 6:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.B. Action Items: None
IX. Personnel & Policy Committee, Anita Lewis, Chair
IX.A. Informational Items:
IX.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Tuesday, April 12th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
IX.B. Action Items:
IX.B.1. Motion to Approve the Personnel Report as Presented
XI. First Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Student Discipline
XII. Action, Resulting from Executive Session, if any
XIII. Finance Committee, Annette Johnson, Chair
XIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
XIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Tuesday, April 12th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
XIII.B. Action Items:
XIII.B.1. Motion to Approve the 3 PPA Positions at Waldo Middle School
XIV. Second Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Appointment, Employment or Dismissal of a Specific Employee Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/12(c)(1)
XV. Action, Resulting from Executive Session, if any
XVI. Comments of the Board
XVII. Informational Items, if any
XVII.A. Attorney Bills
XVII.B. Summer School Proposal
XVIII. Adjournment