July 9, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Staffing Update
I.B. Kindergarten Enrollment Update
I.C. Legislative Update
II.A. Financial Report - Steve Goss
II.A.1. Budget Progress Report for Month Ending June 30, 2018
II.A.2. Bond Project Update
II.B. Audience
III.A. Approval of the following Board Meeting Minutes
III.A.1. June 5, 2018 Special Board Meeting Minutes
III.A.2. June 11, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
III.B. Approval of the General Fund Invoices for the month of June in the amount of $502,515.32 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.B.1. June 1, 2018 - $138,656.96
III.B.2. June 15, 2018 - $265,096.52
III.B.3. June 29, 2018 - $98,521.84
III.B.4. June 29, 2018 - $240.00
III.C. Approval of Purchase Card Disbursements for the Month of May Totaling $68,704.87 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.D. Authorize and Direct Board Secretary to Post the Regular Meeting Schedule of the Board of Education at the Administration Building and Complete Affidavit of Posting
III.E. Designate Depository of Funds to Employee Bank of Choice
III.F. Designate Investment Depositories
III.F.3. Fifth Third Bank
III.F.4. Arbor Credit Union
III.F.5. Kalamazoo County State Bank
III.F.6. Huntington Banks
III.F.7. Mercantile Bank (formerly Keystone Bank)
III.F.8. Michigan CLASS
III.F.9. Chemical Bank
III.G. Designate Authorized Signatures for Checking and Savings
III.G.1. General Fund Treasury, General Fund, Building & Site Funds, Debt Retirement Accounts (two signatures - may be facsimiles)
III.G.1.a. Board President
III.G.1.b. Superintendent
III.G.1.c. Asst. Superintendent
III.G.1.d. Controller
III.G.2. Payroll (one signature - may be facsimile)
III.G.2.a. Superintendent
III.G.2.b. Board President
III.G.2.c. Controller
III.G.3. School Service and Trust & Agency (one signature - may be facsimile)
III.G.3.a. Superintendent
III.G.3.b. Asst. Superintendent/Board Treasurer
III.G.3.c. Controller
III.G.4. Vicksburg High School Athletic Checkbook (One signature)
III.G.4.a. High School Principal
III.G.4.b. HS Assistant Principal
III.G.4.c. Assistant Superintendent
III.G.4.d. Controller
III.G.5. Vicksburg Middle School Athletic Checkbook (One signature)
III.G.5.a. MS Principal
III.G.5.b. MS Assistant Principal
III.G.5.c. Assistant Superintendent
III.G.5.d. Controller
III.G.6. Basic Flex Spending (One signature)
III.G.6.a. Assistant Superintendent
III.G.6.b. Controller
III.G.6.c. Superintendent
III.G.7. Designate Authorized Signatures for Entry to Safe Deposit Box
III.G.7.a. Entry to Safe Deposit Box
III.G.7.a.(1) Superintendent
III.G.7.a.(2) Asst. Superintendent/Board Treasurer
III.G.7.a.(3) Exec. Asst. to Supt./General Office Mgr./Board Secretary
III.G.7.a.(4) Controller
III.G.7.b. Purchase Cards (limits listed below with authority granted to Asst. Supt. to temporarily increase limits for specific purchases)
III.G.7.b.(1) Asst. Superintendent ($100,000)
III.G.7.b.(2) Superintendent ($5,000)
III.G.7.b.(3) Controller ($100,000)
III.G.7.b.(4) Director of Curriculum and Instruction ($5,000)
III.G.7.b.(5) Director of Technology Services ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(6) High School Principal ($5,000)
III.G.7.b.(7) High School Asst. Principal ($5,000)
III.G.7.b.(8) Middle School Principal ($5,000)
III.G.7.b.(9) Indian Lake Principal ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(10) Sunset Lake Principal ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(11) Tobey Principal ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(12) Maintenance Supervisor ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(13) Director of Food Service ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(14) Director of Community Ed ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(15) Director of Transportation ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(16) Director of Athletics ($2,500)
III.G.7.b.(17) VPHS Principal ($2,500)
III.H. Approval of the Following Retainer Service Providers for 2018-19
III.H.1. Auditors: Plante Moran
III.H.2. Legal: Thrun Law Firm
III.I. Approval to enter contract with Secant Technologies for the installation of additional security cameras, including related materials, labor, cabling, and software, based on a low bid of $27,119.
III.J. 2nd Reading - Approval to Award the 2018-19 Dairy Bid to Prairie Farms for $55,030 and Bread Bid to Aunt Millie's Bakeries for $6,505 - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.K. 2nd Reading Approval of the Following Policy Revisions - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.K.1. P0140 - Membership (section 0143.1 Public Expression of Board Members)
III.K.2. P1421 - Criminal History Record Check (Administrative Staff)
III.K.3. P3121 - Criminal History Record Check (Professional Staff)
III.K.4. P4121 - Criminal History Record Check (Support Staff)
III.L. Approval of FMLA Request for Kayci Whitmore, SL Kindergarten Teacher to begin approximately September 11, 2018 and ending approximately December 4, 2018.
III.M. Approval to accept the resignation of Krista Wilson, Indian Lake Teacher, effective June 13, 2018.
III.N. Approval of the following Administrator Contract upon Results of State and Federal and Unprofessional Conduct Checks.
III.N.1. Matthew Hawkins - Vicksburg High School Assistant Principal
III.O. Approval to go into Closed Session at the request of the administration to discuss negotiation sessions, which is in accordance with Public Act #267, Section 8(a) of the Open Meetings Act of 1976, as amended - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.P. Approval of the following collective bargaining agreements - ROLL CALL VOTE
III.P.1. Vicksburg Education Association (Financial Opener)
III.P.2. Vicksburg Parapro Association Contract 2019-2021
III.P.3. Vicksburg Education Support Personnel Association Contract 2019-2021