June 27, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board Meeting #11
Agenda |
A. Roll Call and Call to Order
A.1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
B. Public Commentary - Board Agenda items Only
B.1. Acceptance of Reports and/or Committee Reports
Mr. VanWasshenova
• Board Policy Committee Meeting Minutes - June 13, 2017
• Contracted Services Recommendations |
C. Discussion and Action Items
C.1. Approval of Minutes
Mr. VanWasshenova
• June 13, 2017, Special Work Session
• June 13, 2017, Board Meeting #10 • June 13, 2017, Closed Meeting |
C.2. First Reading/Discussion of Board Policy Amendment(s)
Mrs. Everly
•8350 Student Suspension and Expulsion
C.3. Staff Resignations
Mrs. Flynn
Move to approve the resignations from Monroe Public Schools of John Collins and Rachel French effective June 23, 2017, and Lisa Sears effective August 15, 2017.
C.4. Coaching Recommendations
Mrs. Flynn
Move to approve the coaches as listed for the 2017/18 school year; as per the MCEA master agreement.
Beard, Allison - Head Coach - Basketball - JV Girls - MHS Guy, Pietrina - Coach - Cheerleading - JV - MHS Close, Jacquline - Coach - Cross Country - Co Ed - Monroe Middle Mydloski,James - Assistant Coach - Cross Country - Co Ed - MHS Scoles, Mark - Head Coach - Cross Country - Co Ed - MHS Hutchison, Jason - Head Coach - Football - 7th Grade - Monroe Middle Finnegan, Patrick - Asst. Coach - Football - 7th Grade - Monroe Middle Marchese, Andrew -Asst. Coach - Football - 7th Grade - Monroe Middle Clark, Christopher - Head Coach - Football - 9th Grade - MHS Moytka, Ron - Head Coach - Football - JV - MHS McCollum, Jody - Assistant Coach - Football - JV - MHS Notario, Nicholas - Head Coach - Football - Varsity - MHS Reed, Kyle - Assistant Coach - Football - Varsity - MHS Clark, Jay - Assistant Coach - Football - Varsity - MHS Myers, Kendan - Coach - Soccer Co-Ed - 7th & 8th - Monroe Middle Schade, Douglas - Head Coach - Swimming - Varsity Girls - MHS Gilliam, Garrett - Coach - Tennis - JV Boys - MHS Stefanski-Adkins, Patty - Coach Volleyball - 8th Grade - Monroe Middle Woods, Johnna - Coach - Volleyball - 9th Grade - MHS |
C.5. Competitive Cheer Camp
Mrs. Joseph
Move to approve the attendance of Monroe High School’s Competitive Cheer Team at the North American Spirit 2017 Summer Camp in Sandusky, Ohio, in accordance with board policies for field trips and excursions.
C.6. Final Amended 2016/17 Budgets
Mrs. Eighmey
Move to adopt the final amended 2016/17 fund budgets for the General, Food Service and Building and Site Sinking funds as presented.
C.7. 2017/18 Proposed Budgets
Mrs. Eighmey
Move to adopt the 2017/18 proposed budgets for General, Food Service, Sinking Fund and Building and Site funds as presented. Furthermore, the Board has determined that the non-homestead millage rate be established at 18 mills non-homestead and 6 mills commercial personal property for operating purposes and an additional 1 mill be levied for Building and Site Sinking Fund on all property as approved
by referendum in 2013. |
C.8. Approval to Participate in the Michigan Finance Authority (MFA) State Aid Note Program
Mrs. Eighmey
Move that the Board of Education approve the District’s participation in the Michigan Finance Authority 2017 State Aid Note Program as presented.
C.9. Extension of Sodexo Food Service Contract
Mrs. Eighmey
Move to extend the food service management contract of Sodexo for the 2017/18 school year.
C.10. Consent Agenda - Furniture Purchases - MHS
Mrs. Joseph
Move that Agenda Items C.11 - C.13 be considered as a Consent Agenda, and that the consent agenda items be approved as recommended.
C.11. Main Office and Conference Room Furniture
Mrs. Joseph
Move to approve the purchase of furniture for the main office and conference room at Monroe High School from Home-Office Connection of Monroe, Michigan, at a total cost not to exceed $6,844.00. Funds for this purchase will come from Monroe High School’s building budget.
C.12. Tables and Chairs for Classrooms
Mrs. Joseph
Move to approve the purchase of tables and chairs for classrooms at Monroe High School from School Specialty at a total cost not to exceed $17,733.60. Funds for the purchase will come from Monroe High School’s building budget.
C.13. Bookcases
Mrs Joseph
Move to approve the purchase of 43 bookcases and 1 book cart from School Specialty at a total cost not to exceed $6,742.97. Funds for this purchase will come from Monroe High School’s building budget
C.14. Security Purchase
Mr. Payne
Move to approve the purchase of four NVR Dell Servers, 190 Advidia security cameras and five mounts from All Campus Security at a cost not to exceed $89,053.50. Money for this purchase will come from the general fund.
C.15. Summer Technology Purchases
Mr. Payne
Move to approve hardware purchases, software maintenance and renewals at a cost not to exceed $622,398.79. These purchase will be funded by 31A, General Fund, and Technology Millage Funds.
C.16. Request to Replace Dump Body/Box on Maintenance Vehicle
Mr. Oley
Move to accept the bid of $9,600.00 from Kalida Truck Equipment, Inc. of Walbridge, Ohio, to complete the replacement of the existing dump/box on maintenance vehicle. Money for this purchase will come from the Operations Budget.
C.17. Superintendent's Comments
C.18. Old Business
C.19. New Business
C.20. Public Commentary - Any Topic
C.21. Adjournment