March 4, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Appointment of Pro Tem Secretary to the Board of Trustees (Stacey Gannon)
4. Public Comment
4.A. Response
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Acceptance of Minutes:
6.A.1. Board Dinner Meeting, February 4, 2025
6.A.2. Board Regular Meeting, February 4, 2025
7. Board Action
7.A. Approval of FY 2025-2026 Tuition & Fee Schedule (Jon Foco and Mike Gavin)
It is the recommendation of Administration that the Board of Trustees approve the FY 2025-2026 Tuition & Fee Schedule as presented. In addition, the Board instructs the administration to reduce the in-district tuition rate by any amount necessary to maintain compliance, if the Michigan legislature includes community college tuition constraint language within its approved 2025-2026 state budget.
7.B. Approval of President's Goals (Mike Gavin)
7.C. Approval of Production Copiers from Ricoh USA (Greg Luczak)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of two Ricoh Pro 8410s black and white production copiers and one Ricoh ProC9500 color production copier from Ricoh USA under the State of Michigan MiDeal contract at a cost of $180,747 and a five year service agreement, usage based at $.0035 per black and white copy and $.038 per color copy.
7.D. Approval of Computer Purchase from Dell Corporation (Greg Luczak)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of 306 Dell computers for academic classrooms, computer labs, faculty and staff as part of the college’s lifecycle replacement at a cost of $390,070 from Dell Corporation.
7.E. Approval of Purchase of Additive Manufacturing Equipment from Phillips Commercial (Greg Luczak)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of additive manufacturing equipment from Phillips Commercial in the amount of $371,458.
7.F. Approval of Purchase of Planetarium Vestibule Replacement from Serenus Johnson (Rob Young)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase order with Serenus Johnson in the amount of $164,300 and authorize a total project budget of $185,730 to ensure comprehensive project completion of the Planetarium vestibule replacement.
7.G. Approval of Purchase of S Wing Flooring Replacement from Northeastern Paint (Rob Young)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase order with Northeastern Paint for the amount of $296,165.
7.H. Approval of Construction Documents and Recommendations for S Wing Water Infiltration from Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (Rob Young)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase order with WJE for $122,800.
7.I. Approval of Associate in Science - Engineering Transfer Pathway (Ed Suniga)
It is the recommendation of the Administration that the Board of Trustees approve a new program, Associate in Science - Engineering Transfer Pathway effective fall semester 2025. This is proposed by the Business and Technology Division.
7.J. Approval of New Program - Skilled Trades Machine Repair and Mechanics Advanced Certificate (Ed Suniga)
It is the recommendation of the Administration that the Board of Trustees approve a new program, Skilled Trades in Machine Repair and Mechanics - Advanced Certificate effective fall semester 2025. This is proposed by the Business and Technology Division.
7.K. Approval of Restoration of Archived Board Policy 8.009 - Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the restoration of archived Board Policy 8.009 - Sexual Misconduct and Gender Discrimination.
7.L. Approval of Restoration of Archived Board Policy 8.010 - Title IX - Sexual Harassment Policy (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the restoration of archived Board Policy 8.010 - Title IX - Sexual Harassment Policy.
7.M. Approval of Restoration of Board Policy 8.012 - Equity Grievances (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the restoration of Board Policy 8.012 - Equity Grievances, which was eliminated on October 29, 2024.
7.N. Approval of the Elimination of Board Policy 8.080 - Title IX & Equity (Allie Martinez)
It is the recommendation of the administration that the Board of Trustees approve the elimination of Board Policy 8.080 - Title IX and Equity effective immediately.
8. Administrative Reports
8.A. Student Success (Shelly Raube)
8.A.1. SOHL - Hispanic Student Leaders (Monica Hernandez-Alaniz)
8.B. President's Report
9. Trustee Comments
10. Chair Comments
11. Adjournment