October 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Committee of the Whole - Work Session
Agenda |
ITEM 1: Call to Order
ITEM 2: Roll Call
ITEM 3: Pledge of Allegiance
ITEM 4: Citizens' Comments
ITEM 5: Human Resources
A. Personnel Update
B. 23-24 Administrator and Non-administrator contacts
C. Administrator Evaluation Timeline and Process
D. Teacher Evaluation Handbook
ITEM 6: Curriculum
A. Partnership Update
A.1. 21H Grant, submitted 10/8
B. District Improvement (1st Mtg 10/18)
B.1. Michigan Assessment Consortium
B.2. Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators
B.3. Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum training updates
ITEM 7: Business and Finance Committee
A. Contract Listing
B. Plante Moran Bond
C. September Payments to Vendors
D. September Financial Reports
E. Laptop Purchase
E.1. Building Substitutes
F. Laptop Purchase
G. St. Mary's Purchase
G.1. Title Funds
H. Kagan Professional Development
H.1. MISD Regional Assistant Grant
ITEM 8: Superintendent
A. Strategic Planning Process
B. Strategic Planning Input Survey
ITEM 9: Adjournment