February 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Recognition of visitors and visitor input.
4. Consent Agenda:
4.1. Approval of January 24, 2022 regular meeting minutes.
4.2. Payment of the bills.
4.3. Acceptance of resignation of Brandon Lind from the Weight Room Supervisor position effective January 17, 2022.
4.4. Acceptance of resignation of Alyssa Radtke from the Assistant Girls' Track Coach position effective December 9, 2021.
4.5. Acceptance of resignation of Allen Hawley from the Assistant Track and Field Coach position effective February 10, 2022.
4.6. Approval of hire of Preston Rodberg for the Weight Room Supervisor (EGJH) position at a rate of $10.00/hour effective January 24, 2022.
4.7. Approval of hire of Peter Krasaway for the Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor (Parkview) position at a rate of $14.00/hour effective February 7, 2022.
4.8. Approval of hire of Allen Wiermaa for the Custodian/General/Maintenance/Driver position (VHS) at a rate of $24.25/hour effective February 9, 2022.
4.9. Approval of hire of Muriel Deegan for the Indian Education Elementary Advisor position at a rate of $17.00/hour effective February 15, 2022.
4.10. Approval of hire of Trenton Jivery for the Level 1: Technology Support position (District) at a rate of $21.72/hour effective February 22, 2022.
4.11. Approval of hire of Elisa Boe for the Summer School Coordinator position at the Summer School rate of pay effective June 6, 2022 through July 1, 2022.
4.12. Approval of additional duty as Teacher Leader for the 2021-2022 school year at a stipend of $500.00 each for the following teachers (Roosevelt): Heather Gulbranson, Beth Collins, Ed Cremers, and Stacy L. Aune ($250.00 August 31, 2021 - January 7, 2022).
4.13. Approval of FTE increase from 0.9 FTE to 1.0 FTE for Matthew Anderson effective August 31, 2021.
4.14. Approval of lane change for Bryan Carey from BA+20 to MA effective February 1, 2022.
4.15. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of winter clothing from the United Way to the students of Parkview and Franklin Elementaries.
4.16. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of winter clothing from Legacy Church to the students at Parkview and Franklin Elementaries.
4.17. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of clothing and hygiene items for students in need in the district from Gethsemane Lutheran Church.
4.18. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of personal care items and clothing for students who are in need in the district from Northeastern Minnesota United Way.
4.19. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation from Walmart of gift cards in the amount of $250.00 each for student needs at Roosevelt, Parkview and VHS, as well as, winter clothing for Rock Ridge students from the Virginia Elks Club.
4.20. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of a $100.00 Target gift card from Gethsemane Lutheran Church for personal care items needed by students in Roosevelt and/or VHS.
4.21. Acceptance and appreciation of an anonymous donation in the amount of $1,000.00 for the VHS band program/Mr. Daniel Melby.
4.22. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of 180 COVID test kits and 160 N95 masks to be used throughout the Rock Ridge School District from Scenic Rivers.
4.23. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of $100.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign - John Vukmanich Music Learning Lab from Will McBride in honor of the Roger McBride Family.
4.24. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of $25.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign - John Vukmanich Music Learning Lab from April Bartoletti.
4.25. Acceptance and appreciation of an anonymous donation of $25,000.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign.
4.26. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of $2,000.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign - Mary Harrington Classroom Dedication from William and Margaret (Harrington) Conroy in memory of Mary Harrington.
4.27. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of $100.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign - John Vukmanich Music Learning Lab from Laura (McBride) Ehling in honor of the Roger McBride Family.
4.28. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of $250.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign - John Vukmanich Music Learning Lab from Catherine McBride in honor of the Roger McBride Family.
4.29. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of $1,500.00 from Kraus-Anderson to the trailer project of Mr. Greg Foster.
4.30. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation of $1,750.00 from St. Germain's Cabinet Inc. to the Building Construction Class.
4.31. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 from Virginia-Eveleth Carpenters Local No. 606 to the trailer project of Mr. Greg Foster.
4.32. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign - Construction Trailer Project from Altobelli Peterson Construction.
4.33. Acceptance and appreciation of a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 to the #RockRidgeRising Campaign - Construction Trailer Project from Vertex Metal Roofing.
4.34. Approval of Cooperative Sponsorship of Dance High Kick and Jazz (2021-2022 school year), Girls' Tennis (2022-2023 school year) and Baseball (2021-2022 school year).
5. Reports:
5.1. Fundraising update.
5.1.1. Welch Family Memorial Tech and Clean Manufacturing Lab Dedication.
5.1.2. Consider approval of Naming Rights Agreement between Rock Ridge Public Schools and The Miners National Bank of Eveleth for the naming rights of the new RRHS aquatic facility.
5.2. Roosevelt Elementary Principal's Report.
5.3. Request from the City of Gilbert to Rock Ridge School District to sell parcels owned by the district, within the City of Gilbert, to the City of Gilbert once the buildings have been removed.
6. Administration Items:
6.1. Consider approval of Rock Ridge World's Best Workforce Report.
6.2. Consider approval of Resolution Closing the Roosevelt Elementary and Gilbert Campus Buildings.
6.3. Consider approval of Resolution in Support of the Congressional IDEA Full Funding Act.
6.4. Consider approval of an estimate for HVAC unit replacement at the Rock Ridge Administration Building.
6.5. Consider approval of space (16,720 SF to the Eveleth-Gilbert Arrowhead Head Start and 16,165 SF to the Virginia Parkview Arrowhead Head Start) as an in-kind contribution to the Arrowhead Head Start program for the 2021-2022 program year.
6.6. Consider support of Coalition for Construction Sales Tax Exemption - HF 768/SF 216 and HF 2786.
7. Meeting Announcements:
7.1. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. at the Rock Ridge Administration Building, 1405 Progress Pkwy, Virginia.
8. Closed session to receive update on teacher contraction negotiations pursuant to Minn. Stat. 13D.03.
9. Adjournment.