June 28, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of agenda.
3. Recognition of visitors and visitor input.
4. Consent Agenda:
4.1. Approval of June 14, 2021 meeting minutes.
4.2. Payment of the bills.
4.3. Approval of hire of Roxanne Kelson for the ESY Nurse - Gilbert Campus (PreK) position effective June 14, 15, 21, and 22 and July 12, 13, 19 and 20.
4.4. Approval of hire of Shirley Leoni for the ESY Special Education Para Educator - Gilbert Campus position effective June 14, 15, 21 and 22; July 12, 13, 19, and 20; and, August 9, 10, 16, and 17.
4.5. Approval of hire of Ben Johnson for the Head Boys' Hockey Coach position effective August 1, 2021.
4.6. Approval of hire of Steve Manninen for the Assistant Cross Country Coach position effective August 16, 2021.
4.7. Approval of hire of Kaitlyn Rigstad for the Secondary Teacher (English) position effective August 31, 2021.
4.8. Approval of extra assignment of PLC/Teacher Leader for the following VHS staff: Nicholas Thompson, Jessica Kortekaas, Betty Suihkonen, Isaac Christiansen, Matt Krage, Orlend Menze (0.5), Jade Andrie, Cara Pond, Evan Friedlieb, and Samantha Papenfuss-Krage
4.9. Acceptance of resignation of Jeff Mauston from the Virginia Head Boys' Tennis Coach position effective June 8, 2021.
4.10. Acceptance of resignation of Lynn Mauston from the Virginia Assistant Boys' Tennis Coach position effective June 8, 2021.
4.11. Acceptance of resignation for the purpose of retirement of Paul Lautigar from the Driver/Grounds position effective August 31, 2021.
4.12. Acceptance of proposal for the 2022 Eveleth-Gilbert Band Trip to Orlando, FL.
4.13. Approval of purchase of SMART Board 6000S Interactive Classroom Displays (36) for Laurentian Elementary, for $189,404.00 from Tierney, Inc.
4.14. Non-interactive Classroom and Digital Signage Displays for Laurentian Elementary, for up to $43,960.00.
5. Construction:
5.1. Consider approval of the Manual Arts Building Abatement Package.
6. Reports:
6.1. November 2, 2021 Special Election
6.1.1. Timeline for 2021 Special Election.
6.1.2. Resolution Calling Special Election - determine polling hours.
6.2. Superintendent.
6.2.1. Teacher negotiations update.
6.2.2. Update on school items to be sold.
7. Policies - Final Reading.
7.1. 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints About Persons At School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations
8. Administration Items:
8.1. Consider approval of the 2021-2022 Concurrent Enrollment Contract with Vermilion Community College.
8.2. Consider approval of Concurrent Enrollment Contract between Rock Ridge Public Schools and Lake Superior College effective until June 30, 2022.
8.3. Consider approval of Donation Agreement between the City of Virginia and ISD #2909.
8.4. Consider approval 2021-22 health insurance.
8.5. Consider approval of 2021-22 property, liability and workers' compensation insurance.
8.6. Consider finalizing and approving the 2021-22 school district budget.
8.7. Consider approval of the tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement between ISD 2909 and AFSCME, Council 65, Local Union #3.
8.8. Consider approval of the tentative AFSCME Seniority List as of June 16, 2021.
8.9. Consider Resolution Establishing Dates for Filing Affidavits of Candidacy for Election.
8.10. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Tammy Erven.
8.11. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Shannon Baumann.
8.12. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Melinda Asuma.
8.13. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Peighton Worlie.
8.14. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Elizabeth Niemi.
8.15. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Robert Henderson.
8.16. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Orlend Menze II.
8.17. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Kimberly Galloway.
8.18. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Amanda Murfin.
8.19. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Bradley Matuszak.
8.20. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Matraca Streier.
8.21. Consider Resolution Relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of a Teaching Contract: Cody Baker.
8.22. Consider approval of non-renewals of the following Title I Aides: Carrie Carlson (Parkview), Kathleen Cina (Parkview), Beverly Heitke (Parkview), Tina Pauling (Parkview), Kathleen Petrack (Parkview), Anna Roen (Roosevelt), Jacqueline Beliaj (Roosevelt), Karen Sandstrom (Roosevelt), Cindy Kujala (Roosevelt), Terese Stubbs (Roosevelt).
9. Unfinished Business.
9.1. Board meeting location to be moved temporarily due to construction beginning in July.
9.1.1. How to proceed with public viewing of the meetings and remote participation during the relocation period and beyond that time period.
10. Meeting Announcements.
10.1. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 12, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Location to be determined.
11. Adjournment.