August 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Virginia Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order of regular meeting.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Consider additions or deletions to the agenda.
4. Recognition of visitors and public input regarding the meeting agenda.
5. Consider Consent Agenda:
5.1. Minutes of the July 14, 2014, regular meeting.
5.2. Minutes of the July 31, 2014, working session.
5.3. Payment of the bills.
5.4. Recommendation for Fall 2014 volunteer coaches.
5.5. Recommendation for Fall 2014 overnight/out of state activity trips.
5.6. Resignation of Michael Kowalski as the assistant cross country coach effective February 6, 2014.
5.7. Resignation of Kerry Bidle as the head boys golf coach effective June 15, 2014.
5.8. Resignation of Anthony Norland as the head cross country coach and the head boys track and field coach effective July 9, 2014.
5.9. Resignation of Heather Gulbranson from her paraeducator position effective August 7, 2014.
5.10. Hire Hope Christianson for Head Boys and Girls Cross Country Coach.
5.11. Hire Heather Gulbranson for a 1.0 FTE Elementary Specialist Teacher at BA-2 for 2014-2015.
5.12. Recommendation to approve independent contracts for July 1, 2013- June 30, 2015.
5.13. Hire Elysa Keman for a .83 FTE 4 Year Old Pilot Class Teacher at BA-3 for 2014-2015.
6. Reports/Recognition:
6.1. Superintendent.
6.2. MSBA Summer Seminar.
7. Administration:
7.1. Consider Less Than 14 Hours/Week Wage Schedule effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
7.2. Consider approving 2013-2015 Revised Master Agreement with the Virginia Education Association.
7.3. Consider approving 2015-2017 Revised Master Agreement with the Virginia Education Association.
7.4. Consider approving Parkview Learning Center Addition & Remodel Review and Comment Prepared for the Minnesota Department of Education.
7.5. Consider approving food service management contract with INAC for 2014-2015.
8. Policies:
8.1. First reading:
8.1.1. Policy 514 Bullying Prohibition
9. Public input regarding meeting agenda.
10. Meeting Announcements:
10.1. Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 25, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Roosevelt 104.
10.2. Employee Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, in the high school cafeteria.
10.3. Professional Development Summit, August 27, 2014, Virginia Public Schools.
10.4. Policy Committee meeting, TBD.
11. Closed session to conduct annual superintendent evaluation.
12. Adjournment.