November 26, 2024 at 6:03 PM - Governing Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Opening of Meeting
A.1. Call to Order
B. Student Report
B.1. Report from Flowing Wells Junior High School Student Representatives
B.1.a. Student representatives will provide a review of events and activities at Flowing Wells Junior High School in academics, sports, and other extracurricular programs.
B.2. Report from Sentinel Peak High School and Flowing Wells Digital Campus Student Representatives
B.2.a. Student representatives will provide a review of events and activities at Sentinel Peak High School and Flowing Wells Digital Campus in academics, sports, and other extracurricular programs.
C. Superintendent’s Report
C.1. Recognition of FWHS Fall Sports State Qualifiers
C.1.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will recognize coaches and athletes from the cross country, swim, golf, and cheer teams who qualified for state competitions.
C.2. Recognition of Community Partner: Hector Mendoza, Turfworks LLC.
C.2.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will recognize Hector Mendoza, owner of Turfworks LLC, for his contributions to the FWHS baseball and softball program training facility.
C.3. Recognition of Outstanding Volunteer of the Year
C.3.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will recognize the Flowing Wells Junior High School Volunteer of the Year, Marcia Austin.
C.4. Update on District Events and Activities
C.4.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will provide an update on Flowing Wells School District Events and Activities.
BREAK- The brief break provides an opportunity for families and friends to leave the meeting.
D. Public Comments
Flowing Wells School District welcomes public comment. As outlined in A.R.S. §38-431.02, no action will be taken on issues raised in Public Comments unless items are found on agenda below. Other than this, the response to public comments will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or scheduling the matter as a future agenda item.
E. Consent Agenda
These items of Board business that are addressed routinely at every meeting are presented as a Consent Agenda. The Board may elect to take action on all items collectively in one motion or may individually consider any item(s) as separate agenda subjects for action.
E.1. Approval of Agenda for this Meeting
E.1.a. Request approval for the adoption of the agenda for this meeting, November 26, 2024.
E.2. Approval of Minutes of Governing Board Meetings
E.2.a. The following Governing Board meeting minutes are presented for Governing Board approval: November 12, 2024 (Open Session Minutes and Executive Session Minutes).
E.3. Approval of District Expense and Payroll Vouchers
E.3.a. Sign vouchers for upcoming check batches (to be reviewed at the next Board Meeting). None for this meeting.
Expense and payroll vouchers are presented for Board approval: Expense vouchers #7025-25 - 7028-25 and Payroll voucher #2610.
E.4. Approval of Requests for Use of District Facilities
E.4.a. District facilities use requests are submitted for approval.
E.5. Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment Students
E.5.a. Requests for open enrollment students are submitted for approval.
E.6. Approval of Requests for Student Trips
E.6.a. Student trip requests are submitted for approval.
E.7. Approval of Requests for Staff Travel
E.7.a. Staff travel requests are submitted for approval.
E.8. Approval of Personnel Actions
E.8.a. Personnel Actions are submitted for approval.
E.9. Approval of Asset Retirement and Disposals
E.9.a. Approval is requested for the retirement and disposal of assets no longer used by the district as of November 26, 2024.
F. Unfinished Business
F.1. Recommend Approval to Adopt Health Curriculum
F.1.a. District administration recommends approval to adopt Glencoe Health 2022 for use in high school health classes. This resource has been tabled for sixty days, and no public feedback was received during this time. The Board-approved curriculum evaluation committee identified this resource as its top choice to address the Arizona state standards for health, including family life curriculum, for students in grades 9-12.
G. New Business
G.1. Information and Discussion regarding District Marketing Strategies
G.1.a. District administration presents for review a summary of our social media marketing strategies and outcomes, including paid advertisements on social media platforms.
G.2. Recommend Approval of Agreement between the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (ASDB) and Flowing Wells School District
G.2.a. District administration recommends approval of the Regional Cooperative Agreement to continue ASDB-provided services for Flowing Wells School District students. If approved, this agreement would remain in effect for a term of five years. Fees for services have not changed since the last version approved in the spring of 2020.
H. Adjourn