January 8, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Consideration and Adoption of the Agenda
III. Election of Officers
III.1. Chairperson
III.2. Vice Chairperson
III.3. Clerk
III.4. Treasurer
IV. Designate Depositories
IV.1. First National Bank of Saint Peter
IV.2. Nicollet County Bank of Saint Peter
IV.3. HomeTown Bank of Saint Peter
IV.4. U.S. Bank of Saint Paul
IV.5. Wells Fargo
IV.6. MSDLAF (MSBA Investment Program)
V. Designate Official Newspaper
Currently St. Peter Herald
VI. Designate Auditor for School District Audit
Currently Abdo, Eick & Meyer
VII. Designate Business Manager, or His Designee, to Continue to Make Wire Transfers for the School District
VIII. Designate Superintendent to Approve Non-Resident Student Agreements
IX. Set Board Salaries
Currently: Chair-$400/month; Vice Chair-$200;Treasurer-$300/month; Clerk-$250/month; Director-$200/month; $400 stipend to members of Negotiations Committee
X. Set Day, Time, and Place of Regular Board Meetings and Study Sessions
The recommendation is to (1) set regular meetings for the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Governor's Room/Community Center; (2) set study sessions for the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Middle/High School Media Center; and (3) set the January meeting for the first Thursday of the month and the February meeting for the third Thursday of the month due to conflicts with holidays.
XI. Discuss Appointments to the Following Committees
XI.1. Co-Curricular Program Committee
XI.2. Communications Committee
XI.3. Instructional Program Committee
XI.4. Calendar Committee
XI.5. Finance Committee
XI.6. Personnel Committee
XI.7. Policy Review Committee
XI.8. Negotiations Committee
XI.9. Shared Programs/Services Committee
XI.10. Community Education Advisory Committee
XI.11. Legislative Committee
XI.12. Meet and Confer Committee
XI.13. Minnesota State High School League Advisory Committee
XI.14. Minnesota Valley Education District (MVED Board)
XI.15. Nicollet County Collaborative
XI.16. School/City/County/College Committee
XI.17. Three-Year Technology Plan Committee
XI.18. Saint Peter Education Foundation
XI.19. South Central Educational Service Cooperative
XII. Other
XIII. Adjournment