March 24, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call: Certification by President that the Provisions of Section 551.041 Sub Chapter C Government Code has been complied with in connection with Public Notice of this meeting and a Quorum is present.
III. Meeting Opening
III.A. Invocation
III.B. Pledges
IV. Public Comment: Persons in attendance at the meeting may request a card to be completed and submitted to the Board President no later than five (5) minutes prior to the meeting. This provides the individual with an opportunity to address the Board during Public Comment. The audience may not enter into discussion or debate with the Board on matters being considered by the Board. No presentations are to exceed five (5) minutes.
The Board may not discuss or act upon any issues that are not posted on the agenda. In addition, the Board has adopted policies to provide prompt and equitable resolution of complaints and concerns for employees, students or their parents, and the general public. Copies of our District policies and procedures on public comment and filing complaints are available at |
V. Executive Session: Executive Session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. including 551.074 Personnel Matters, 551.076 Security Audits, 551.073 Prospective Gifts and 551.071 Attorney Consultation.
V.A. Deliberate matters related to personnel including Superintendent, Millsap Elementary School Principal, and Millsap Elementary School Assistant Principal
V.B. Consult with Attorney Regarding Amendment to DK(LOCAL)
V.C. Consult with Attorney Concerning Waiving Attorney Client Confidentiality as to Investigation Report
V.D. Intruder Detection Audit, Priority 4.3
VI. Reconvene from Executive Session
VII. New Business
VII.A. Consider Suspending Superintendent Without Pay for Good Cause
VII.B. Consider Proposing the Termination and Discharge of the Superintendent Mid-Contract for Good Cause
VII.C. Consider Hiring an Independent Third Party to Investigate the Conduct of Millsap Elementary School Principal and Assistant Principal
VII.D. Consider Modifying DK(LOCAL) to Address the Assignment of Immediate Family as Defined in DEC(LOCAL)
VII.E. Consider Waiving Attorney Client Confidentiality as to the Investigation Report Authored by Gema Padgett Dated March 5, 2025
VII.F. Discuss and Consider Texas Education Agency (TEA) Attendance Waiver, Priority 4
VIII. Administration Reports
VIII.A. Enrollment/Attendance Update, Priority 1, 4.1
VIII.B. Facility/Construction Update, Priority 4.2
VIII.C. Intruder Detection Audit, Priority 4.3
VIII.D. Acceptance of Gifts, Priority 4.1
IX. Unfinished Business
X. Read and Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting February 24, 2025, the Special Board Meeting March 10, 2025, and the Special Board Meeting March 21, 2025, Priority 4
XI. Review Bill Payment List for March 2025, Priority 4.1
XII. Consent Items
XII.A. Tax Report, Priority 4.1
XII.B. Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures to Budget, Priority 4.1
XII.C. Cash Position of Bank Accounts, Priority 4.1
XII.D. Monthly Investment Report, Priority 4.1
XIII. Board Activities
XIV. Adjournment