August 10, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Medlin)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Medlin)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Oaths of Office
IV.A. Stephen Reese -- Police Officer
V. Consent Agenda (Mayor Medlin)
V.A. Consider approval of Commissioner Holley's travel expenses for ElectriCities Conference
V.B. Consider approval of July 13, 2021, Regular Meeting minutes
VI. Public Comment (Mayor Medlin)
VI.A. Introduction of New Hires (Fred Nelson)
VI.A.1. Stephen Reese -- Police Department
VI.A.2. Christy Ennis -- Parks & Recreation
VI.B. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
VII. Department Reports
VII.A. Police
VII.B. Planning
VII.C. Fire
VII.D. Cultural Arts
VII.E. Public Works, WWTP, and Electric Departments
VIII. Public Hearing (Mayor Medlin)
VIII.A. SD-2021-03 (Erin Joseph)
IX. Old Business (Mayor Medlin)
IX.A. Consider approval of moving Benton Square sign (Kim Pickett and Tim Robbins)
IX.B. Consider approval of Benson Foundation of Arts recommendation for Town Hall Signage (Kimberly Pickett)
X. New Business (Mayor Medlin)
X.A. Consider approval of Mule Statue (Tyler Douglas)
X.B. Consider approval of Budget Ordinance E-MRF-W-21-0045 Wastewater Merger/Regionalization Feasibility Study (Kim Pickett)
X.C. Consider approval of purchase orders over $10,000 (Kimberly Pickett)
X.C.1. Southeastern Transformer -- Transformers and Amps
X.C.2. Southeastern Transformer -- Holly Tree Grove Project
X.D. Consider approval of changes to traffic pattern and signage on Town streets (Tim Robbins)
X.E. Consider approval of lease for John Deere 310SL Backhoe (Tim Robbins)
X.F. Consider approval of purchase of Ditch Witch RT45A (Tim Robbins)
X.G. Consider approval of purchase of two S&N Airoflo aeration rotors (Tim Robbins)
X.H. Consider approval of Supplemental Agreement with Lane Lawn Care for additional mowing (Tim Robbins)
X.I. Consider approval of SW Railroad St. closure on September 11 from 8AM to 11PM for Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (Raleigh Chapter 15-6) (Fred Nelson)
X.J. Discussion on Lee Street Building (Fred Nelson)
XI. Town Manager Report (Fred Nelson)
XI.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
XI.A.1. September 6 -- All Non-Essential Town Facilities Closed for Labor Day Holiday
XI.B. Chamber of Commerce Sponsored Events
XI.B.1. August 11 -- Coffee Connections, Update from Congressman David Rouzer
XI.B.2. August 12 -- Sundown in Downtown -- Jim Quick and Coastline
XI.B.3. August 28 -- Junior Miss Benson Pageant
XI.B.4. September 9 -- Sundown in Downtown -- Band of Oz
XI.B.5. September 11 -- Little Miss Benson Pageant
XI.B.6. September 18 -- Miss Benson Pageant
XII. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XIII. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XIV. Mayor Report (Mayor Medlin)
XV. Closed Session
XV.A. To conduct a closed session pursuant to N. C. Gen. Stat. § 143.318.11(a)(3) to consult with an attorney retained by the Board in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege concerning the handling of a claim, judicial action, mediation, arbitration, or administrative procedure.