July 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Medlin)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Medlin)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Medlin)
IV.A. Consider June 12, 2018 BOC Minutes
IV.B. Consider June 28, 2018 BOC Minutes
V. Public Comment (Mayor Medlin)
V.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
VI. Department Reports
VI.A. Written Reports
VI.B. Parking Study Presentation (Annaka Norris, Rich and Associates)
VI.C. Recognition of Captain Greg Percy for Receiving Johnston Now Honor for Distinguished Police Officer (Chief Edwards)
VI.D. Benson Police Department Statistical Report 2013-2018 (Chief Edwards)
VI.E. Benson Civic Center Tennis Court Preservation Update (Matt Zapp/Matt Smith)
VI.F. Large Project Status Updates (Matt Zapp)
VI.F.1. $80,000 NC Emergency repair grant (backflow check valve project)
VI.F.1.a. Project scope and bid documents are in progress with area contractors
VI.F.1.b. The project was awarded to ELJ, Inc. at the BOC meeting on Nov 14, 2017.
VI.F.1.c. Construction to occur June - August of 2018
VI.F.2. $150,000 AIA sanitary sewer system assessment grant
VI.F.2.a. Council action was taken on 10/26/17 approving The Wooten Company to administer the grant.
VI.F.2.b. A local match of $22,500 was included in the FY 17/18 Water & Sewer budget
VI.F.2.c. Total project cost is $172,500
VI.F.2.d. Work has begun; expected deliverable should be in hand July-Aug 2018.
VI.F.3. $875,000 NC 16 Funds to perform sanitary sewer I & I repairs
VI.F.3.a. Work can begin upon the completion of the AIA study (summer 2018).
VI.F.4. $750,000 FEMA funding for the WWTP repairs
VI.F.4.a. Construction work is being bid and will begin with Council approval(s).
VI.F.4.b. The WWTP concrete apron replacement of $37,000 is complete.
VI.F.4.c. The WWTP asphalt roadway replacement is complete.
VI.F.5. Golden Leaf Grant application of $565,187 to repair storm water failures during Hurricane Matthew
VI.F.5.a. Application approved 10/5/17
VI.F.5.b. Hood lot, NAPA, Bostic Property, etc.
VI.F.5.c. Easements are being secured
VI.F.5.d. MRA was approved on 11/30/17 to design repairs at the Hood lot; design is underway.
VI.F.6. Golden Leaf Grant application of $500,000 to replace the Public Works department building
VI.F.6.a. Application approved 10/5/17
VI.F.6.b. The roof replacement is nearly complete.
VI.F.6.c. Benson should select a General Contractor and commence additional work in Q3/4 of 2018.
VII. Public Hearings (Mayor Medlin)
VII.A. SD-2018-01 (Copper Creek South): Subdivision preliminary plat consisting of 66.8 acres divided into 85 lots located on Tarheel Road (SR 1168) approximately ¾ of a mile west of its intersection with NC 242 Hwy North in the Benson Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
VII.B. SD-2018-02 (Denning Tract): Subdivision preliminary plat consisting of 23.98 acres divided into 33 lots located on Benson-Hardee Road (SR1303) approximately 1/3 of a mile west from its intersection with NC 50 Hwy North in the Benson Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
VIII. Old Business (Mayor Medlin)
VIII.A. Consider Ex-Officio appointments to advisory boards (Mayor Medlin)
VIII.A.1. Library Board of Trustees
VIII.A.2. Museum Board of Directors
VIII.A.3. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
VIII.A.4. Police Advisory Commission
IX. New Business (Mayor Medlin)
IX.A. Consider Resolution 191-2018 in Support of the East Coast Greenway (Mayor Medlin)
IX.B. Consider approval of May 2018 Financials (Kim Pickett)
IX.C. Approval of 2018 Resurfacing Bid Award (Tim Robbins)
IX.C.1. Bids were sent out on Friday, May 18, 2018 and were due back on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. We had 4 responsive bidders.
IX.D. Consider approval of East Parrish Dr Storm Drain Bid (Tim Robbins)
IX.D.1. Bids were sent out on Thursday, May 31, 2018 and were due back on Monday, June 25, 2018. We had no responsive bidders.
IX.D.2. Re-Bids were sent out on Monday, June 25, 2018 and are due back Monday, July 9, 2018. We will have all documentation for the board at the meeting.
IX.E. Consider Vehicle Purchases for Police Department and WWTP
IX.E.1. Dodge Charger for BPD (Chief Edwards)
IX.E.1.a. Quote will be available to the BOC on July 10th.
IX.E.2. 4x4 Truck for BPD (Chief Edwards)
IX.E.2.a. Quote will be available to the BOC on July 10th.
IX.E.3. 2019 Ford F-250 for WWTP (Paul Allen)
IX.F. Discussion on WWTP (Paul Allen/Matt Zapp)
IX.F.1. Information to be dispersed at meeting
IX.G. Consider approval of Budget Amendment #1 (Kim Pickett)
IX.H. Consider approval of purchase order over $10,000 (Kim Pickett)
IX.H.1. Electric Department -Transformer Maintenance & Service $12,120.00
X. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
X.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
X.A.1. June 11 - July 27 -- Library Summer Reading Program
X.A.2. July 13 -- Friday Night Hoops 8 PM
X.A.3. July 20 -- Movie Night at the Grove
X.A.4. July 27 -- Friday Night Hoops
X.A.5. August 10 -- Friday Night Hoops 8 PM
X.A.6. August 14 -- BOC Regular Meeting 7 PM
X.A.7. August 17 -- Movie Night at the Grove
X.A.8. August 24 -- Friday Night Hoops 8 PM
X.B. Chamber of Commerce Sponsored Events
X.B.1. August 16 -- Sundown in Downtown (Liquid Pleasure)
XI. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XII. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XIII. Mayor Report (Mayor Medlin)
XIV. Information Only
XV. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Medlin)