September 12, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Massengill)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Massengill)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Consider August 24, 2017 BOC Minutes
V. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
V.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
V.B. An update regarding the Eastwood Subdivision and the storm water upgrade at Eastwood and Parrish Drives (Jamie Guerrero, Morris and Ritchie Associates)
V.C. An update of the H & H Stormwater study (Jamie Guerrero, Morris and Ritchie Associates)
VI. Department Reports
VI.A. Large Project Status Updates
VI.A.1. $20,000 NC Downtown Revitalization grant
VI.A.1.a. Project scope and details due to the state on September 15, 2017
VI.A.2. $80,000 NC Emergency repair grant (backflow check valve project)
VI.A.2.a. Project scope and bid documents are in progress with area contractors
VI.A.2.b. Bid opening is expected September 27, 2017
VI.A.2.c. Council Approval is anticipated on October 10, 2017
VI.A.3. $3.1 million USDA Pump Station and sanitary sewer line upgrades
VI.A.3.a. Construction began on Sept 5, 2017 with a total construction period of 240-days
VI.A.3.b. The Hampton Inn pump station milestone is 120-days from Sept 4, 2017
VI.A.4. $125,000 AIA sanitary sewer system assessment grant
VI.A.4.a. Contract administration services have been awarded to The Wooten Company.
VI.A.5. $875,000 NC 16 Funds to perform sanitary sewer I & I repairs
VI.A.5.a. Work can begin upon the completion of the AIA study (summer 2018).
VI.A.6. $750,000 FEMA funding for the WWTP repairs
VI.A.6.a. Construction work is being bid and will begin with Council approval(s).
VI.A.7. Golden Leaf Grant application of $500,000 to repair storm water failures during Hurricane Matthew
VI.A.7.a. Application is currently pending review on October 5, 2017
VI.A.7.b. Hood lot, NAPA, Bostic Property, etc.
VI.A.8. Golden Leaf Grant application of $500,000 to replace the Public Works department building
VI.A.8.a. Application is currently pending review on October 5, 2017
VI.A.9. Golden Leaf Funding Fire Truck Replacement Funding
VI.A.9.a. Application is currently pending review on October 5, 2017
VI.B. Written Reports
VII. Old Business (Mayor Massengill)
VIII. New Business (Mayor Massengill)
VIII.A. Hurricane Irma discussion and/or update (Necessary Department Heads)
VIII.B. Consider the approval to lease a new line truck for the Benson Electric Department (Braston Newton)
VIII.B.1. The item has been accounted for in the FY 17/18 Budget
VIII.B.2. The annual payment for the 60-month lease is $46,958 per year.
VIII.B.3. The requested expense is accounted for in the FY 17/18 Budget
VIII.C. Consider the purchase of a Dodge Charger for the Benson Police Department (Kenneth Edwards)
VIII.C.1. The item has been accounted for in the FY 17/18 Budget
VIII.C.2. Authorization of $28,000 to purchase vehicle
VIII.D. Consider an agreement with the NC Main Street and Rural Development office for assisted services (Matt Zapp)
VIII.D.1. Anticipated cost of $850 to expended from the Economic Development Department
VIII.E. Consider a Revolving Loan application award for Villa Rosa of Benson, NC (Matt Zapp)
VIII.E.1. The application has been reviewed and supported by the Economic Development Committee and a Revolving Loan subcommittee.
VIII.E.2. $26,000 loan amount for restaurant related repairs and improvements
VIII.E.3. 3.25% interest rate for 60-months
VIII.E.4. Business Plan Excerpt
VIII.E.5. Project Timeline
IX. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
IX.A. MOU with Johnston County to provide additional sewer capacity (Matt Zapp)
IX.A.1. Provide an additional 250,000 gallons of sewer treatment to JoCo
IX.A.2. Lease up to 10,000 pounds of Nitrogen allocation to JoCo (as needed annually)
IX.A.3. Contract period of 60-months with annual off-ramps
IX.B. Town related events and meeting reminders:
IX.B.1. September 21-24, 2017- Mule Days 2017
IX.B.2. October 1-8, 2017- Public Power Week 2017
IX.B.3. October 8-15, 2017- National Fire Prevention Week 2017
IX.B.4. October 10, 2017- Blessing of the Badges for the Benson Fire Department at BUMC (5:30 PM- 7:00 PM)
IX.B.5. October 10, 2017- Regular Town of Benson Council Meeting (7:00 PM at Town Hall)
IX.B.6. October 28, 2017- Healthy Harvest in Downtown Benson (9:00 AM until 1:00 PM)
IX.B.7. October 31, 2017- Halloween 2017
IX.B.7.a. Do the Board of Commissioners desire Trunk of Treat?
IX.B.7.b. Trick or Treat hours of 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM on October 31
X. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XI. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XII. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XIII. Information Only
XIV. Closed Session Pursuant GS 143-318.11 (a) (5): to establish, or to instruct the public body's staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in negotiating (i) the price and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange, or lease; or (ii) the amount of compensation and other material terms of an employment contract or proposed employment contract.
GS 143-318.11 (a) (6): to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting. Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal shall be taken in an open meeting. |
XV. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Massengill)