May 25, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Pro-Tem Nelson)
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Consider May 9, 2017 BOC Minutes
V. Strategic Economic Development Planning Process
V.A. Presentation of the Draft Economic Development Plan (Bruce McDonald, NCSU)
V.B. Question and Answer period related to the proposed NCSU plan.
VI. BREAK (7:50 - 8:00 PM)
VII. Public Hearing at 8:00 PM (Mayor Pro-Tem Nelson)
VII.A. Comment and Input related to the Proposed $0.01 Fire Tax Increase Effective July 1, 2017.
VIII. New Business (Mayor Pro-Tem Nelson)
VIII.A. Consider Johnston County Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services (Alan Johnson)
VIII.B. Consider the April 2017 Financials (Kim Pickett)
VIII.C. Consider Budget Amendment #10 (Kim Pickett)
VIII.D. Consider appointment of William (Bob) Johnson, Jr. to Benson Museum Board of Directors
VIII.E. Consider appointment of Sherry Lockamy to the Benson Planning Board ETJ seat.
VIII.F. Consider proposal to contract with VC3 as the Town of Benson IT vendor effective on May 26, 2017.
VIII.F.1. Provide the Town Manager with authority to engage VC3 for IT services beginning May 26, 2017.
VIII.F.2. Estimated cost for services is $8,280 through June 30, 2017
VIII.G. Presentation of the DRAFT FY 17/18 Town of Benson Budget (Matt Zapp)
VIII.G.1. A total proposed budget of $11,018,990 for FY 17/18 (year ending June 30, 2018).
VIII.G.1.a. Includes a $0.01 Fire Tax increase; bringing the Town of Benson property tax rate to $0.54
VIII.G.1.b. Includes an increase of $1.50 per month in the base sewer charge for all customers (July 1, 2017)
VIII.G.1.c. Includes a 5.5% residential electric rate reduction (July 1, 2017)
VIII.G.1.d. Includes a 3% CPI rate adjustment in curbside services for trash, recycling and yard waste cans (Jan 1, 2018)
VIII.G.2. Includes the use of $106,000 in Fund Balance Reserve from the General Fund
VIII.G.2.a. $60,000 to purchase 2 new BPD vehicles
VIII.G.2.b. $46,000 toward the annual asphalt paving project
VIII.G.2.b.1. Combined with $104,000 in Powell Bill Funds will allow for $150,000 in paving needs
VIII.G.3. Includes the following personnel additions and/or rehires
VIII.G.3.a. Fulltime Economic Development Director
VIII.G.3.b. Part time Administrative Assistant for the Public Works Department
VIII.G.3.c. Fulltime Janitorial / Facility Rental role for Town Hall
IX. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
IX.A. The NCSU Strategic Economic Development process calendar.
IX.B. Purchase Order Approval over $10,000
IX.B.1. Approval to purchase a Ground Penetrating Radar at a cost of $13,900
IX.C. Upcoming events and meeting dates
IX.C.1. Tues June 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM: Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting and Public Hearing related to the FY 17/18 Budget
IX.C.2. June 16-17, 2017: Hwy 301 Endless Yardsale
IX.C.3. June 23-25, 2017: State Annual Singing Convention
IX.C.4. Thurs June 28, 2017 at 7:00 PM: Board of Commissioners Meeting; Final presentation of the NCSU led Economic Development Plan
IX.C.5. Tues July 4, 2017: Town Facilities Closed/ July 4th Celebration in the Singing Grove
X. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XI. Mayor Report (Mayor Pro-Tem Nelson)
XII. Information Only
XIII. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Massengill)