February 7, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Massengill)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Massengill)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Consider Minutes for January 10, 2017
IV.B. Consider Minutes for January 31, 2017
V. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
V.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
VI. Department Reports
VI.A. Written Reports
VI.B. Hurricane Matthew Update (Matt Zapp)
VI.B.1. Status of insurance payouts to date (revenues) and associated repairs (expenses)
VI.B.1.a. Total revenues received = $536,322.12
VI.B.1.b. Total expenses paid = $147,553.52
VI.B.1.c. Remaining Balance = $388,768.60
VI.B.2. Anticipated repairs or large ticket purchases that will be made
VI.B.2.a. Town Hall Roof complex and Drains $135,000
VI.B.2.b. BFD Engine #2 contribution $34,560.02
VI.B.2.c. Additional HVAC repairs $50,000
VII. Old Business (Mayor Massengill)
VII.A. None
VIII. New Business (Mayor Massengill)
VIII.A. Benson Fire Department engine replacement discussion. (Matt Zapp)
VIII.A.1. Fire Tax Rate adjustment process
VIII.A.2. LGC lending process and approval
VIII.A.3. Initial fire truck replacement estimate
VIII.B. Consider a MOU from Alternative Insurance Corporation (AAIC), accepting a final payment totaling $35,425.45 as it relates to the Benson Fire Department's Engine #2. (Alan Johnson/ Matt Zapp)
VIII.B.1. Turnage's repair bill for Engine 2 in the amount of $865.43
VIII.B.2. The BFD will retain a total of $34,560.02 toward the replacement of Engine 2.
VIII.C. Consider Amendment to Town Code of Ordinances, Chapter 130, Offenses Against Town Regulations, Destruction of Park Property. (Braston Newton)
VIII.D. Consider the approval of December Financials (Kim Pickett)
VIII.E. Consider the approval of Budget Amendment #8 (Kim Pickett)
VIII.E.1. Increasing revenues and allocating insurance funds related to Hurricane Matthew.
VIII.F. Consider the approval of Paymentus Master Service Agreement for Online Bill Paying (Kim Pickett)
VIII.G. Consider the approval of a Write Off Schedule for Outdated Debt (Kim Pickett)
VIII.G.1. To write off debt prior to June 30, 2014 to be reconciled over the next several years in increments that would be considered non-material.
VIII.G.2. A handout will be provided at the board meeting with a schedule
VIII.H. Consider the recommendation to engage Baker Roofing to remove and replace 5 roofs at the Town Hall complex at a cost of $110,522. (Matt Zapp)
VIII.H.1. Mark Gregory Roofing Proposal
VIII.H.2. Baker Roofing Proposal
VIII.I. Consider the recommendation to replace the downspouts at the Town Hall complex at a cost not to exceed $21,500. (Matt Zapp)
VIII.I.1. Town staff will secure additional quotes and estimates related to this portion of the project.
VIII.J. Consider a South Side Storm Water Study by Morris and Ritchie Associates at a Cost of $90,000 (Matt Zapp)
VIII.K. Consider the annual reappointed positions of Board and Commissions. (Terry Hobgood)
VIII.L. Consider Appointment of Brandon Williams to Benson Board of Adjustments (Terry Hobgood)
VIII.M. Consider Appointment of Robert Pearson to Benson Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Terry Hobgood)
VIII.N. Consider an Amended and Restated Renewable Energy Development and Service Agreement with NCEMPA (Matt Zapp)
VIII.O. Consider a Proposal Allowing Electricities to Assist with a Retail Customer Survey (Matt Zapp)
IX. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
IX.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
IX.A.1. Daddy Daughter Dance at BPRD-- Saturday, February 11th from 7:00-9:00 PM
IX.A.2. Pajama Story Time -- Monday, February 13th at 6pm
IX.A.3. Benson Economic Development Strategic Planning Meeting -- Thursday, February 23rd at 7pm
IX.A.4. Black History Month Open House -- Sunday, February 26th at 2pm
X. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XI. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XII. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XIII. Information Only
XIV. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Massengill)