March 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Massengill)
II. Pledge of Allegience
III. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
III.A. Minutes for January 26, 2016.
III.B. Consider Minutes for February 9, 2016
III.C. Consider Minutes for February 12, 2016 Emergency Meeting.
III.D. Consider Minutes for February 13, 2016 (Retreat).
III.E. Consider Minutes for February 25, 2016
III.F. Minutes for 03-2-2016 Emergency meeting
III.G. Approval of the JSK invoices for demolition clearing at 501 N Market Street for Electric Department storage
III.G.1. Cost for the subcontracted removal of debris $6,250
III.G.2. Cost for stone delivery and grading $1,171.05
IV. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
V. Department Reports
V.A. UPDATE: BPRD Advisory Board suggestions related to
funding opportunities at the Lee Street Complex. (Matt Smith)
V.B. Written Reports
VI. Old Business (Mayor Massengill)
VI.A. Update on Voluntary Demolition Program. (Braston Newton)
VII. Public Hearings (Mayor Massengill)
VII.A. Consider special use request SUP-2016-01 for placement of manufactured homes on two independent parcels located on Helms-Dogwood Road. (Braston Newton)
VII.B. Consider special use request SUP-2016-02 to construct 48 multi-family dwelling units on approximately 4 acres of an 8.47 acre parcel located on N. Johnson Street. (Braston Newton)
VIII. New Business (Mayor Massengill)
VIII.A. Consider Resolution #167-2016 for multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan. (Sandy Wood, Emergency Management Planner)
VIII.B. Consider Town of Benson
Electric rate study Project/Capital project ordinance
amendment #1(Kimberly Pickett)
VIII.C. Consider adoption of Budget Amendment 09-2015-2016 (Kimberly Pickett)
VIII.D. Load Management Incentive program presentation (Kimberly Pickett)
VIII.E. Consider the Load Management Installation Contract with BellWeather (Matt Zapp)
VIII.E.1. Retrofit installation price of $85.00 per switch
VIII.E.2. New switch installation price of $125.00 per switch
IX. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
IX.A. QUESTION: Flooring options for the 2nd floor of Town Hall
IX.A.1. Remove the carpet and inspect the hardwood floors
IX.A.2. Replace the current carpet at a cost of approximately $7,400
IX.B. UPDATE: McDonald's of Benson
IX.B.1. Closing March 9, 2016 for 90-110 days.
IX.B.2. A new store will be constructed on the existing site.
IX.C. Town related events and meeting reminders:
IX.C.1. Easter Eggtravaganza at Singing Grove 2pm-3pm Saturday, March 19, 2016
IX.C.2. Board of Commissioners Meeting 7pm Thursday, March 24, 2016
IX.C.2.a. South River EMC Lease
IX.C.2.b. Verizon Wireless
IX.C.3. Town Hall Closed for Good Friday, March 25, 2016
IX.C.4. National Library Week April 10-16, 2016
IX.C.5. Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7pm
IX.C.6. Keep Benson Beautiful (Town wide Clean-up) April 23, 2016 8:30am-noon
IX.C.7. Town Board of Commissioners meeting, Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 7pm.
X. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XI. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XII. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XIII. Information Only
XIV. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Massengill)