October 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
I.A. Consider Minutes for:
I.A.1. Consider Minutes for Tuesday , September 9, 2014
I.B. Consider Proclamation 67-2014-2015/ Halloween 10-31-2014
I.C. Consider Proclamation 68-2014-2015/October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month
I.D. Consider Resolution 153-2014 Public Power Week
I.D.1. Presentation Electric Department Awards/Reception
I.E. Consider Resolution 152-2014 in support of Johnston County bike routes.
II. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
II.A. Guests are invited to speak; please state your name and address for the record.
II.B. Update on the progress of the Town of Benson Smart Grid Project. (Mike Settlage/ElectriCities)
III. Department Reports
III.A. Written Reports
III.B. WWTP Report (Marty Morris)
III.B.1. Update on the impact from the rain event September 8, 2014 at the WWTP.
III.C. Mule Days Recap Report (Matt Zapp)
III.C.1. Safe and enjoyable Mule Days 2014
III.C.2. After Mule Days meeting to be held October 30, 2014 at 8:00 PM at Benson Baptist Church.
IV. Old Business (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Consider the contract renewal with Waste Industries company to provide trash, recycling and yard waste services for the years January 2015- December 2019 (Matt Zapp, Town Manager).
IV.A.1. Option 1: $21.72 a month for Trash, Recycling and Yard waste in 95-gallon cans
IV.A.2. Option 2: $23.00 a month for Trash & Recycling in 95-gallon cans/ Yard Waste Loose Collection
V. Public Hearings (Mayor Massengill)
V.A. None
VI. New Business (Mayor Massengill)
VI.A. Consider an update amendment to the Town of Benson Chapter 51: Garbage and Refuse Ordinance (Isaac Parker).
VI.B. Consider acceptance of the August 2014 Financial Report (Matt Zapp)
VI.B.1. Financial Report Summary
VI.B.2. Financial Report Detail
VI.C. Discussion and/or consideration a contract with NCSU to perform a site study of the existing Benson Museum of Local History and the Mary Duncan Public Library. (Terry Hobgood)
VI.D. Consider Budget Amendment #01 / Fire Dept. FEMA Regional Grant for equipment (Fire Chief Alan Johnson)
VI.E. Consider Budget Amendment #02-Fire Protection Budget - FEMA Extrication Grant and Jo Co Extrication Match. (Fire Chief Alan Johnson)
VI.F. Consider the Mutual Aid Agreement for fire Protection for departments providing fire protection in Johnston County. Effective November 1, 2014. (Chief Alan Johnson)
VI.G. Review of Asphalt Bids for the 2014 Street Resurfacing and Renovation Project. (Don Johnson)
VI.G.1. Consider the acceptance of a contract with Johnson Brothers Utility and Paving Company at a cost of $205,364.52.
Consider Budget Amendment #03 FY 2014/2015 / Asphalt paving.(Braston Newton)
VI.I. Consider amendment #1 to Capital Project Ordinance for Asphalt Resurfacing 2014. (Braston Newton)
VI.J. Consider Resolution #152-2014 Adopting Facility Encroachment Agreement Between CSX and the Town of Benson. (Matt Zapp)
VI.K. Discussion related to storm drainage issues on West Harnett and West Parrish Drive. (Matt Zapp).
VI.K.1. Overview of the situation and GIS map viewing (Matt Zapp)
VI.K.2. Access and easement rights Memo (Isaac Parker)
VI.K.3. 1972 Resolution of Undedication
VI.K.4. Question and Answer period
VII. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
VII.A. Benson's Top 100 Economic Dev. Mtg is October 16, 2014 from 11:30 - 1:00 PM.
VII.B. Healthy Harvest returns on Saturday October 25, 2014 from 9 AM until 2 PM.
VII.B.1. 9:00 AM- The 5K run through residential Benson
VII.B.2. 10:30 AM- Jenny's Sweet Creations Cupcake Walk for Cancer
VII.B.3. Noon- The $500 to win NC Sweet Potato Pie Eating Contest
VII.C. Thursday October 30, 2014 is the next Board Meeting at the Benson Baptist Church
VII.C.1. 7:00 PM will be a presentation related to the FY 13 Audit Report
VII.C.2. 8:00 PM is the After Mules Days round table public input meeting.
VII.D. BPRD Trunk or Treat event
VII.D.1. Friday October 31, 2014 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
VII.D.2. Held in the parking lot of the Lee Street Gymnasium at Dr. PK Vyas Park.
VII.E. Board of Commissioners Retreat at White Deer Park in Garner, NC
VII.E.1. Friday November 7, 2014 from 6:00 until 9:00 PM
VII.E.2. Saturday November 8, 2014 from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM
VII.F. Veteran's Day Parade in Benson
VII.F.1. Tuesday November 11, 2014
VII.F.2. 5:00 PM- Parade line up occurs behind the Singing Grove on East Parrish Drive
VII.F.3. 6:00 PM- The parade kicks off and will run west to east on Main Street; ending at the Singing Grove.
VII.F.4. A brief ceremony (including food) will follow the parade in the Grove.
VII.G. NCEMPA Rate Committee Meeting
VII.G.1. Monday November 17, 2014 at 10:00 AM in Wilson, NC.
VIII. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
IX. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
X. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XI. CLOSED SESSION: In accordance with NC GS 143-318.11(a)(1) and within the meaning of NC GS Chapter 132, to purpose for the closed session is to discuss the NCEMPA/ Duke Energy Progress merger.
XI.A. No official business is to follow the closed session.
XII. Information Only