May 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting Order (Mayor Massengill)
II. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
II.A. Consider Minutes for:
II.A.1. April 30, 2013 BOC Regular Meeting
II.B. Consider Debt Setoff for March and April 2013
III. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
IV. Department Heads Report (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Parks and Recreation (Matt Smith)
IV.A.1. Upcoming BPRD events
IV.A.2. Sports Program Update
IV.B. MDPL/ Museum Report (Terry Hobgood)
IV.B.1. Summer Reading Program
IV.C. Police Department (Chief Edwards)
IV.C.1. Community Day Report from May 11, 2013
IV.C.2. Friday Night Hoops promotions
IV.D. Economic Development (Joe Stallings)
IV.D.1. Hwy 301 Endless Yard Sale
IV.D.2. EDC Update
V. Old Business (Mayor Massengill)
V.A. None
VI. Public Hearing (Mayor Massengill)
VI.A. None
VII. New Business (Mayor Massengill)
VII.A. Consider the acceptance of the April 2013 Financial Report. (Ashley Heath, Finance Director)
VII.B. Consider the award of auditing services for FY '13-15. (Ashley Heath, Finance Director)
VII.C. Consider a resolution to apply for a COPS Grant to benefit the Benson Police Department. (Chief Kenneth Edwards)
VII.C.1. *A 36-month COPS Grant with a 75/25 split. Town share will be $35,649 during the grant. Must retain the officer in year 4 at 100% or approximately $48,477.
VII.C.2. *A one-time grant to map the Benson Sanitary Sewer System via a 50/50 split. The Town share will be $16,700 of the $33,400 project.
VII.D. Consider a resolution authorizing staff to apply for grant funding via the NC Rural Center to perform a Capital Improvement Plan of the Benson Sanitary Sewer System. (Matt Zapp, Town Manager)
VII.E. Consider an update to the Sewer Use Ordinance for the Town of Benson (Matt Zapp, Town Manager)
VII.E.1. -Martin Morris, Benson WWTP Superintendent; Gary Hartong and Will Larsen of The Wooten Company
VII.F. Consider a contract with E-One to place an order for a fire engine at a cost not to exceed $425,000. (Chief Alan Johnson/ Matt Zapp, Town Manager)
VII.G. Consider a resolution supporting the preservation of affordable financing through Tax-Exempt Financing. (Matt Zapp, Town Manager)
VIII. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
IX. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
X. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XI. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XII. Information Only
XIII. Adjournment (Mayor Massengill)