November 20, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting of the School Board
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Resolution Filling Board Vacancy
3. School Board Resignation
4. Clerk/Treasurer
5. Additions to the Agenda
6. Citizens Comments
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
7.1. Approval of Minutes - Regular Board Meeting October 16, 2017, Special Board Meeting November 15, 2017
7.2. Approval of Payroll
7.3. Approval of Bills
7.4. Approval of Personnel Item
8. Progress Reports
8.1. K-4
8.2. 5-12
8.3. Financial Report
8.4. Superintendent
9. Old Business
9.1. North End Civic Center
9.2. Arts & Activities Plan
10. New Business
10.1. BHS Athletics
10.2. Safe Routes Proposal
10.3. LTFM/Summer Projects
10.4. WBWF
10.5. Communications Audit
11. Donations
11.1. $30 for Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund from friends & family in Memory of Marian Pederson Newhouse
11.2. School Supplies for Grades 5 & 6 from the Women of West Zion Lutheran Church
12. Future Meetings
12.1. School Board Special Meeting - Wednesday, December 5, 2017, 5:30 p.m., District Office. Work Session.
School Board Regular Meeting - Monday, December 18, 2017, 5:30 p.m., Benson High School Media Center - Levy Certification |
13. Adjournment