March 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening Ceremonies: Pledge of Allegiance & Reading of the District's Mission
Mission Statement: Provide a high-quality education in a culturally safe and nurturing environment that supports all students to live purposeful and fulfilling lives.
II. Roll Call
III. Public Comment on Agenda Items
Members of the public may address the Board for three minutes. It is Board policy to not respond to public comment.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the school district's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. Members of the public who wish to make public comments may do so during the designated times indicated on the agenda pursuant to bylaw 0167.3. A blue comment card must be completed and submitted to the board secretary to register for comment. |
IV. Approval of Minutes
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Board of Education approve February 20, 2025 Regular Meeting & Informational Study Session Minutes as presented".
V. Presentations
V.A. Visual Learning Boards
Mrs. Jessica Benavides
Eastern, Mt. Hope, Wexford, Willow, North and Lyons
V.B. Department of Health and Wellness
Dr. Susan Wheeler
VI. Reports
VI.A. Officers
VI.B. Committee
VI.B.1. Finance Committee
Dr. Cait Cavanagh
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Board of Education receive the Treasurer's report for December 2024 & January 2025 and approve expenditures as presented".
VI.B.2. Policy Committee
Dr. Deyanira Nevarez Martinez
VI.C. Superintendent
VII. New Business
VII.A. First Reading of Policies
District Revisions
1. 6320- Purchasing 2. 0100- Definitions 3. 7455-Accounting System for Capital Assets 4. 8500-Food Services Revisions from NEOLA Fall updates 1. 1130- (Revised) Conflict of Interest 2. 3110- (Revised) Conflict of Interest 3. 3120.08- (Revised) Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/ Extra-curricular Activities 4. 4110- (Revised) Conflict of Interest 5. 5340- (Revised) Student Accidents 6. 6110- (Revised) Grant Funds 7. 6111- (Revised) Internal Controls 8. 6112-(Revised) Cash Management of Grants 9. 6114- (Revised) Cost Principals- Spending Federal Funds 10. 6325- (Revised) Procurement-Federal Grants/Funds 11. 6550- (Revised) Travel Payment & Reimbursement 12. 7310- (Revised) Disposition of Surplus Property 13. 7450- (Revised) Property Inventory 14. 7540.09- (Revised) Artificial Intelligence ("AI") 15. 8321- (Revised) Criminal Justice Information Security RECOMMENDED MOTION: " that the Board of Education receive the policies for first reading as presented".
VIII. Report from Secretary and Announcements
IX. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
Members of the public may address the Board for three minutes. It is Board policy to not respond to public comment.
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the school district's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. Members of the public who wish to make public comments may do so during the designated times indicated on the agenda pursuant to bylaw 0167.3. A blue comment card must be completed and submitted to the board secretary to register for comment. |
X. Comments from the Board