November 2, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Additions to the Agenda
V. Public Comment on Agenda Items
Members of the public may address the Board for three minutes. It is Board policy to not respond to public comment.
VI. Presentations
VII. Report from Superintendent
Dr. Mark Coscarella
VIII. Routine Matters/Old Business
VIII.A. Committee Reports
VIII.A.1. Facilities Committee
Bryan Beverly, Chair
VIII.A.2. Personnel Committee
Dr. Nino Rodriquez
VIII.B. Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda will be approved as one motion. Should a member wish to have further discussion or vote separately on any item on the Consent Agenda, it should be requested before the motion is made.
Suggested motion: to approve the consent agenda as presented. |
VIII.B.1. Approval of the 10.19.17 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
VIII.B.2. Receive and Approve the Personnel Report
VIII.B.3. Bylaw 0166 - Second Reading and Adoption
VIII.B.4. Letter of Agreement - LEA
IX. New Business
IX.A. Resolution - Lansing Schools Summer Tax
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Board of Education approve the attached 2018 Lansing Schools Summer Tax Resolution." |
IX.B. Closed Session
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Board of Education recess into Closed Session to receive an update on bargaining agreements as is permitted under the Open Meetings Act." |
X. Report from Secretary and Announcements
Peter Spadafore, Secretary
XI. Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Board for three minutes. It is Board policy to not respond to public comment.
XII. Adjournment