November 15, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Additions to the Agenda
IV.A. Audit Presentation-Bruce Dunn and Maner Costerisan
IV.B. Priority Schools Transformation Plans.
V. Special Presentation
V.A. Woodcreek Achievement Center
VI. Public Comment on Agenda Items
VII. Report from Superintendent
VIII. Routine Matters
VIII.A. Report from Committees
VIII.A.1. Policy Committee- Secretary Nicole Armbruster
VIII.A.2. Personnel Committee-Dr. Nino Rodriguez
VIII.A.3. Finance Committee Report-Treasurer Guillermo Lopez
VIII.B. Action Items
VIII.B.1. Professional Service Contracts and Bids. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the professional service contracts and/or bids be approved as presented in the enclosures."
VIII.B.1.a. Child and Family PSC
VIII.B.1.b. Ray Taylor and Associates PSC
VIII.B.1.c. Smart Child Program PSC
VIII.B.1.d. Electronic Mail Services PSC
VIII.B.1.e. Refugee Center PSC
VIII.B.1.f. Hill Parking Lot Bid
VIII.B.1.g. CIMS Bid
VIII.B.2. Consent Docket – The items listed below may be approved
with one motion but any of the items
may be questioned at any time. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the items listed on the consent docket be approved as presented.”
VIII.B.2.a. Middle City Resolution
VIII.B.2.b. Approval of Minutes-10.18 Regular Meeting, 11.1 Regular Meeting, 11.8 Work-Study Session
VIII.B.2.c. Audit Report as Presented by Maner and Costerisan
VIII.B.3. Approval of Personnel Items. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the personnel items, as detailed in the attachments, be approved."
VIII.B.4. Treasurer's Report. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Treasurer's Report, as detailed in the attachment, be received"
VIII.B.5. Priority Schools Transformation Plans. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Transformation Plans as submitted by the district's newly identified Priority Schools be approved and submitted."
VIII.B.6. Property Sale Moratorium. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the moratorium on the sale of district property be lifted."
VIII.B.7. Appointment of Title IX Contact. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that Sergio Keck be appointed as the contact person for all matters related to Title IX."
VIII.B.8. Appointment of FOIA Contact. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that Debbie Sever be appointed as the contact person for all matters related to FOIAs (Freedom of Information).
VIII.B.9. Sale of Bingham Facility. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the proposal submitted by Sparrow Hospital for the sale of the Bingham facility for the amount of $550,000 be accepted as outlined in the attached enclosures."
IX. Discussion Items
X. Public Comment
XI. Report from Secretary and Announcements
XI.A. Secretary Report Summary
XII. Additional Comments from Superintendent and Staff
XIII. Other Business Deemed Necessary
XIV. Adjournment