December 28, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Work Session & Executive Session
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order and note attendance
2. Agenda Review
3. Collaborative Governance (CG) and the five roles of effective board governance (15 min)
Steve Kelley & Sarah Herb
3.a. Review CG definition/Lighthouse Research
3.a.1. Work as a team
3.a.2. Setting clear expectations
3.a.3. Supporting your expectations
3.a.4. Holding the system accountable
3.a.5. Community Engagement
3.b. Review Silver Falls Board Operating Agreement
3.c. Policy BBF - Board Member Standards of Conduct
4. Running Effective Meetings/"Order of Business" (60-90 min)
4.a. Setting the "Order of Business" or agenda for your meetings (Policy BDDC)
4.a.1. Review current framework/resolution as adopted by the board if any
4.a.2. The use of "other Items" as part of the agenda/Order of business
4.a.2.a. November 23rd meeting
4.a.2.b. Other examples?
4.a.3. Resolution with sample agenda/Order of business, if needed
4.b. What is an agenda item?
4.b.1. Legal (policy) definition
4.b.2. Three questions
4.b.2.a. Is it board work?
4.b.2.b. How does this support/impact our district priorities/goals?
4.b.2.c. What policies are related to this issue?
4.c. Review the process for creating the agenda (Policy BDDC)
4.c.1. Communication around the agenda/non-agenda items
4.d.1. Upholding the will of the board (chair/vice chair)
4.d.2. "Modifying the agenda" procedures (board members)
4.d.3. Rules around dicussion? (discussion items vs. action items? With or without a motion?)
4.d.4. "Point of Order" procedures (board members)
5. Communication protocols (if time)
5.a. Between superintendent and board (and individual board members)
5.b. Among the board members
5.c. Other?
6. Next Steps (10 min)
7. Superintendent Update - Policy Revisions
Scott Drue, Superintendent
8. Move into Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(f) - To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection. Sick leave bank request.
9. Consideration of Sick Leave Bank request.
10. Return to Regular (Open) Session
Scott Drue, Superintendent
11. Adjourn