July 13, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order and note attendance
2. Flag Salute
3. Action Items
3.a. Nominate and elect Board Chairperson
3.b. Nominate and elect Vice Chairperson
4. Consent Agenda
4.a. Approve minutes from June 22, 2020 meeting
4.b. Designate the following:
4.b.1. Chief Administrative Officer and District Clerk (ORS 332.515, 294.331) - Scott Drue
4.b.2. Deputy Clerk and Budget Officer - Steve Nielsen
4.b.3. Custodian of the Funds - Scott Drue and Steve Nielsen
4.b.4. Regular monthly board meeting day, time, and place - second Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Meeting location TBD (Policy BDA)
4.b.5. Superintendent Scott Drue, Assistant Superintendent Dan Busch, Director of Special Services Dana Pedersen, Director of Teaching and Learning Jennifer Hannan, and Federal Programs Director Dustin Hoehne to sign state and federal grants.
4.b.6. Amount of fidelity bonds of persons who shall be bonded - $50,000 each for Scott Drue and Steve Nielsen.
4.b.7. Lorin Stanley as Asbestos hazards Emergency Response Act and Safety Officer.
4.b.8. Lorin Stanley as the District Integrated Pest Management Coordinator.
4.b.9. Depositories for school funds - Columbia Bank and Wells Fargo Bank.
4.b.10. Investment of funds – Oregon State Treasury Local Government Investment Pool (Policies DFA, DFA-AR, DG and DG-AR)
4.b.11. Insurance Agent - Larsen-Flynn Insurance.
4.b.12. Legal Counsel - Hungerford Law Firm and Garrett, Hemann, Robertson Law Firm and Lisa Freiley, WESD.
4.b.13. Auditors - Pauly, Rogers and Co., P.C. (audit year ending June 30, 2021).
4.b.14. Workers' Compensation carrier - SAIF Corporation.
4.b.15. Title VI and Section 504 Compliance Officer - Dana Pedersen.
4.b.16. Title IX, Title I and Title IV Compliance Officer - Dustin Hoehne.
4.b.17. Set annual tuition rate of $4,250.
5. Public Comment - As always, please allow for brief delays as folks turn on and off their microphones to speak and we ask that panelists stay muted when you are not speaking to improve the quality of audio in our meeting. Attendees will need to request to have your microphone enabled to participate during those times during the meeting. In order to make a public comment, please email valoff_debbie@silverfalls.k12.or.us at least 5 minutes before the public comment period and your microphone will be enabled when your name is called upon. During designated public comment periods, please be patient as we respond as quick as possible to requests by attendees to interact with the panel of Board Members. Thanks in advance for your patience as we get started tonight with this upgraded Zoom Webinar platform. Thanks for "Zooming-in tonight"
6. Silver Falls Education Association
Michelle Stadeli, SFEA President
7. Discussion Items
7.a. Identify 2020-2023 Budget Committee Vacancies (Policy DBEA) - https://policy.osba.org/sfalls/D/DBEA%20D1.PDF
7.b. July 27 Work Session; August 11 Administration Retreat
7.c. Other
8. Administrator and Staff Reports
8.a. Superintendent Report
Scott Drue, Superintendent
8.b. Finance Update and District Insurance Plan Update
Scott Drue, Superintendent
9. Board Reports
10. Public Comment - As always, please allow for brief delays as folks turn on and off their microphones to speak and we ask that panelists stay muted when you are not speaking to improve the quality of audio in our meeting. Attendees will need to request to have your microphone enabled to participate during those times during the meeting. In order to make a public comment, please email valoff_debbie@silverfalls.k12.or.us at least 5 minutes before the public comment period and your microphone will be enabled when your name is called upon. During designated public comment periods, please be patient as we respond as quick as possible to requests by attendees to interact with the panel of Board Members. Thanks in advance for your patience as we get started tonight with this upgraded Zoom Webinar platform. Thanks for "Zooming-in tonight"
11. Action Items
11.a. Approve Contract of Employment for Assistant Superintendent Dan Busch
11.b. Ratification of Consent Judgement in Marion County Case No. 20CV09281
12. Adjourn