June 11, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order and note attendance
2. Flag Salute
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Approve minutes from May 14 and 21 meetings
3.b. Approve Budget Committee Meeting minutes of May 10
3.c. Approve employment of the following teachers for the 2018-19 contract year:
Valerie Brown - Silverton HS - Teen Pregnancy/Alt Ed Teacher - 1.0 FTE - (probationary) Karly Eaton - District/Special Ed - Speech Language Pathologist - 1.0 FTE - (probationary) Jennifer Draper - Butte Creek SLP/SPED - Special Ed Teacher - 1.0 FTE - (probationary) Nancy Griffith - District - TOSA-PD & Tech/Admin. - 0.8 TOSA-PD & Tech/0.2 Admin. (probationary) Jodie Mitchell - District/Special Education - Special Ed TOSA - 1.0 FTE - (probationary) Doug Ousterhout - Silverton HS - Drama Teacher - 0.5 FTE (probationary) Catherine Pantovich - Robert Frost - 4th Grade Teacher - 1.0 FTE (probationary) James Rise - Silverton HS - AD/Asst. Principal - 1.0 FTE (probationary) Taryn Wold - Scotts Mills - Middle School Teacher - 1.0 FTE (probationary) Natalie Zukowski - Central Howell/Victor Point - Counselor - 0.5 CH/0.5 VP - (probationary) |
4. Open Hearing for 2018-19 Fiscal Year Budget
5. Student Representatives
Brooke McCarty and Jori Paradis
6. Audience with Visitors
7. Discussion Items
7.a. Proposed Site Plan for Bethany Charter School
Michael Slevcove, BCS Board Member
7.b. Summer Board Extended Work Sessions - August 20, 5:00-8:00 p.m. and August 28, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Proposed training topics
7.c. District Policy Committee Recommended Revisions and Deletions - Section K/L, Community Relations (second reading)
7.d. Annual Evaluation of Superintendent Report
7.e. Other items
8. Administrator and Staff Reports
8.a. Silverton Middle School Seismic Project Update
Andy Bellando
8.b. Financial Report
Steve Nielsen
8.c. Butte Creek School
Therese Gerlits
8.d. Robert Frost School
Leslie Roache
9. Board Reports
10. Correspondence
11. Audience with Visitors - Limited to Discussion and Action items, and to Approved 2018-19 Fiscal Year Budget
12. Close Budget Hearing
13. Action Items
13.a. Approve Resolution Adopting Budget, Levying Taxes, and Making Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2018-19
13.b. Approve Contract of Employment for Superintendent, Andy Bellando
13.c. Consideration of Construction Manger/General Contractor for Seismic Rehabilitation Project at Silverton Middle School - State Grant Funded
14. Adjourn to Executive Session under:
ORS 192.660 (2)(h) - To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed -AND- ORS 192.660(2)(f) - To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection --Sick Leave Bank |
15. Return to Open Session
15.a. Consideration of sick leave bank request
16. Adjourn