April 11, 2019 at 4:00 PM - Special School Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call Meeting To Order
Work Session
Brookings-Harbor PSP #5 Creating Areas of Focus (Priorities) with DLT
Review purpose of meeting- The Board's Role in Monitoring Student Achievement
Lighthouse research for highly effective school boards
Learn as a team
Set clear expectations (i.e. Vision & Goals)
Hold the system accountable & Support for success
Create the public will to succeed
What is the role of the DLT and the Board in a monitoring system?
Strategic planning (administration) vs. strategic direction (board)
Review district's goals/priorities
A brief update on the district priorities. The priorities are...
Student Success
Staff (recruitment/retention/development)
Relationships (Context/Culture for our work)
Assign 2 people to each priority to write a 25 word or less description for the priority.
Discuss/create 5-7 descriptors for the chosen priority. Place on your chart paper. (small group work)
Board member from each group reports out (chart paper)
Review all suggestions and look for patterns of thought. The assigned writing partners will take input and create a draft to be reviewed by the board at their next meeting. Drafts will be shared with the whole group May 9th.
Repeat for priorities #2 and #3.
If time, discuss at least one priority and its potential data/metrics (If not, we will complete this work on May 9th.)
A brief update on the district priorities. the priorities are...
Student Success
Staff (recruitment/retention/development)
Relationships (Context/Culture for our work)
Discuss metrics (major data points) for the priority (small group work)
Prioritize the top 2-3 data points for the priority (small group work)
Place the selected data points on your chart paper
Board member from each group reports out (chart paper)
Review all suggestions and look for patterns of thought. Collectively choose 2-3 data sets that will be used in upcoming Board/DLT work session.
Repeat for priorities #2 and #3.
Data review protocol for May 9th (if time)
Staff presents a short overview of the data for the chosen priority.
Small group conversation using the following guiding questions...
What is the data/information telling us?
What is the information NOT telling us?
Is this the right data for this area of focus? If not, what additional (or different) data/information is needed?
What challenges exist in this area?
How can the board support this work?
Groups capture their thoughts on single chart paper for presetnation
Board members for each group will report out
Facilitator ask groups for patterns in the observations and talks about improving this conversation for future monitoring sessions
Repeat process for second priority, if time
Board only
Debrief today's work session
Review the board's self-evaluation results
Board engagement plan will be developed on 5/9