August 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening and Call to Order Steve Umbarger
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance Steve Umbarger
2. Approve School Board Meeting Minutes Steve Umbarger
3. Correspondence/Communications
3.1. Board of Directors Steve Umbarger
4. Reports
4.1. Goal I - Student Achievement and Engagement
Increase achievement for every student, close the achievement gap and ensure every student is prepared for their future. |
4.1.1. Introduction of Minamisoma Exchange Students Jon Peterson
4.1.2. Lighthouse Project Calendar Jon Peterson
4.1.3. School Opening Schedule Jon Peterson
4.2. Goal 2 - Stakeholder Engagement
Engage the community, staff, families, students, elected officials and other stakeholders in supporting our schools and improving educational outcomes for all PSD students. |
4.2.1. Pendleton Association of Teachers Gary Humphries
4.2.2. Oregon School Employees Association Teri McCoy
4.2.3. PL874/Indian Education Issues Lloyd Commander
4.2.4. IMESD Report Casey White-Zollman
4.3. Goal 3 Long Range Planning
Develop a comprehensive long range plan to best support student success and prepare for the future of the Pendleton School District. |
4.3.1. Policies First Reading Tricia Mooney
4.3.2. 2014-2015 Board Goals Action Plan Draft Jon Peterson
5. Suggestions and Comments from Visitors Steve Umbarger
6. Action Items
6.1. Superintendent Jon Peterson
6.1.1. Approve September Board Meeting Change
6.2. Business Services Michelle Jones
6.2.1. Approval of July 31, 2014 Financial Report
6.2.2. Approval of Grants
6.3. Human Resources Tricia Mooney
6.3.1. Approval of Personnel Report
7. Professional Development Opportunities for Board Members Steve Umbarger
8. Future Meetings Steve Umbarger
8.1. Agenda Items for Next Board Meeting
8.2. Administration
9. Board Member Comments Steve Umbarger
10. Recess Regular Board Meeting Steve Umbarger
11. Convene Executive Session Per ORS 332.544 Steve Umbarger
(to consider the dismissal of an employee) |
12. Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Steve Umbarger
13. Adjournment Steve Umbarger