Wednesday, March 12, 2025 via in person and ZOOM virtual - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Preliminary Business
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1.1. Call to Order/Flag Salute
Todd Mickalson, Board Chair
2. Review and Acceptance of Agenda
Todd Mickalson, Board Chair
3. Board Chair Report Information Items/Discussion
Todd Mickalson, Board Chair
a. Board Powers and Duties - Policy BBA
b. Evaluation of the Superintendent - Policy CBG c. Board Elections/Board Member Qualifications - Policy BBB May 20, 2025, Special District Election - filing period opened February 8, 2025, filing deadline March 20, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., voters' pamphlet deadline March 24, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., all with Multnomah County Elections. d. Board member(s) interested in CEA CBA negotiations - Board Policy BBAA - Individual Board Member's Authority and Responsibilities e. Corbett Charter School Charter Agreement |
3.1. RECESS from Public Session to Executive Session - under ORS 192.660 (2)(f) To consider records exempt by law from public inspection.
Todd Mickalson, Board Chair and Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D. , Superintendent
3.2. RECONVENE to Public Session
Todd Mickalson, Board Chair
4. Approval of Minutes Action Item
Todd Mickalson - Board Chair
RESOLUTION NO. 3.103-25 RESOLVED that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular School Board meeting of November 20, 2024, the minutes of the Special School Board meeting minutes of December 10, 2024, the minutes of the Regular School Board meeting of December 18, 2024, the Special School Board meeting minutes of January 8, 2025, the Regular School Board meeting minutes of January 15, 2025, and the Regular School Board meeting minutes of February 19, 2025.
5. Introduction and Comments of Guests
a. PTA Report on CAPS SpringFest, May 3 - Amy Mowlds and Jenny Larsen b. See the policy link in the description for the following excerpts: Discussion or presentation concerning a published agenda item is limited to its designated place on the agenda, unless otherwise authorized by the Board chair. Any person who is invited by the Board chair to speak to the Board during a meeting should state his/her name and address and, if speaking for an organization, the name and identity of the organization. A spokesperson should be designated to represent a group with a common purpose. Statements by members of the public should be brief and concise. The Board chair may use discretion to establish a time limit on discussion or oral presentation by visitors. (A 3-minute timeline for each comment with no more than seven comments allowed per meeting is usual protocol). Questions asked by the public, when possible, will be answered by the Board chair or referred to the superintendent for reply. Questions requiring investigation may, at the discretion of the Board chair, be referred to the superintendent for response at a later time. At the discretion of the Board chair, anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, on any agenda item or other topic, may do so by providing the Board secretary with a completed registration card or sign-in sheet, prior to the Board meeting in order to allow the chair to provide adequate time for each agenda item. Comments Regarding Staff Members - Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs. The Board will not hear comments regarding any individual district staff member. The Board chair will direct the visitor to the procedures in Board policy KL - Public Complaints for Board consideration of a legitimate complaint involving a staff member. The association contract governing the employee’s rights will be followed. A commendation involving a staff member should be sent to the superintendent.
Todd Mickalson - Board Chair and Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D. - Superintendent
6. Principal / Director / Supervisor Reports
a. Kathy Childress, High School Principal and work-based learning students - Sammi Blume and Kayden Sleight b. Cheryl Reams, School Health Assistant - School Health services and supports c. Angela Davis, Athletic Director/English Teacher - Athletics Update and Co-op Agreement for Golf d.
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D. - Superintendent
6.1. Student Representative(s) to the Board Information Item
Kaylee Moore and/or Haley Potts
7. Financial Reports/Matters
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent and Regina Sampson, Business Manager/CFO
7.1. Report Information Item
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent and Regina Sampson, Business Manager/CFO
8. Superintendent's Report Information Items
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
8.1. Enrollment Numbers/Application Process Update
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
8.2. Update on Corbett School Campus Upgrades/Grants
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
8.3. Strategic Planning/Future Planning
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
RESOLUTION NO. 3.104-25 - RESOLVED that the Board approves the five-year renewable Charter Agreement signed between the Corbett School District Board and Corbett School District 39, extending a single charter district agreement for the term January 1, 2025-December 31, 2029.
8.4. Superintendent's Evaluation Discussion/Action Item
Todd Mickalson - Board Chair
RESOLUTION NO. 3.105-25 - RESOLVED that the Board approves the evaluation of the Superintendent, using the approved evaluation form as attached or amended.
8.5. Board Recess from Public Session
Todd Mickalson - Board Chair
The Board recesses from Public Session to hold an Executive Session under ORS 192.660 (2)(i) To review and evaluate the performance of the superintendent or any other public officer, employee or staff member, unless that person requests an open hearing. |
8.6. Reconvene to Public Session
Todd Mickalson - Board Chair
The narrative summary of the performance evaluation for the superintendent is presented after the evaluation is complete.
9. Curriculum
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
10. Students
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
11. Transportation, Buildings and Maintenance
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent and Todd Mickalson, Board Chair
RESOLUTION NO. 3.106-25 - RESOLVED that the Board supports the G.O. Bond measure proposal for Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) in the May 20, 2025, Special District Election.
11.1. Multnomah County Parcel Discussion/Action Item
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
RESOLUTION NO. 3.107-25 - RESOLVED that the Board approve the no-cost conveyance/government transfer of the parcel of land (R503919) foreclosed on September 27, 2007, in lieu of tax liens, to Corbett School District 39, the site being adjacent to the CSD property at 36115 E. Historic Columbia River Highway, from Multnomah County, in a mutual agreement.
12. Co-Curricular Activities
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
RESOLUTION NO. 3.108-25 - RESOLVED that the Board approve the cooperative agreement with Hood River Valley School District for golf under the OSAA for the 2024-25 school year. |
13. Personnel
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
See Items 13.2-13.11 under 15. Consent Agenda
13.1. Vacant Positions Information Item
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
We have vacant internal positions open for the 2025-2026 school year for: 1.00 FTE K-6th Learning Specialist and 1.00 FTE K-1st Teacher. (closes 3/16/25) |
15. Consent Agenda
Derek Fialkiewicz, Ed.D., Superintendent
Consent Agenda **RESOLUTION NO.3.109-25 through 3.119-25** Action Items
13.2 **RESOLUTION NO. 3.109-25** - RESOLVED that the Board award Probationary Contract Status and offer a one-year contract from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026 to the teachers, counselors and social workers listed on the attachment in the Board packet. 13.3**RESOLUTION NO. 3.110-25** - RESOLVED that the Board award Initial Contract Status and offer a two-year contract from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2027 to the teachers listed on the attachment in the Board packet. 13.4**RESOLUTION NO. 3.111-25**- RESOLVED that the Board award two-year contracts from July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2027, to the teachers and counselor listed on the attachment in the Board packet. 13.5**RESOLUTION NO. 3.112-25**- RESOLVED that the Board offer one-year probationary administrative individual contracts from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026 as listed on the attachment in the Board packet. 13.6**RESOLUTION NO. 3.113-25**- RESOLVED that the Board award, extend and offer three-year administrative contract status to the administrators listed on the attachment in the Board packet from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2028. 13.7**RESOLUTION NO. 3.114-25** - RESOLVED that the Board recognize that Holly Elvins-Dearixon, .2 FTE TOSA, has been asked to return as a re-employed retiree for the 2025-26 school year. 13.8**RESOLUTION NO. 3.115-25** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the FMLA for 1.00 FTE School Counselor, Mandi Young, from February 26, 2025, through May 29, 2025. 13.9**RESOLUTION NO. 3.116-25** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the extra duty stipends for spring 2025 coaches as attached in the Board packet. 13.10**RESOLUTION NO. 3.117-25** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the resignation of Sara Pekny, 1.00 FTE School Counselor, effective June 13, 2025. 13.11**RESOLUTION NO. 3.118-25** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the intermittent OR PFML for David Church, 1.00 FTE K-8 Music Teacher, effective August 19-22, September 4, 6, October 23, 28 and 31, November 7, 12, 18, 20-21, December 9-11, 2024 and January 7, 2025. Pending OR PFML March 5-March 21, 2025. 14.1**RESOLUTION NO. 3.119-25**RESOLVED that the Board have a second reading and adoption of: a. Policy IKF - Diploma Requirements
16. Matters for the Good of the Order
Board Directors
17. Coming Events
Todd Mickalson - Board Chair
a. March 19, 2025 - Wednesday, Budget Workshop Training available (video e-mailed to budget committee)
b. March 24 - 28, 2025, Monday - Friday, Spring Break, no school c. April 9, 2025, Wednesday, Budget Committee Meeting, MPB/Board Room, 7:00 p.m. d. April 16, 2025, Wednesday, 2nd Budget Committee meeting if needed and the Regular School Board Meeting following, MPB/Board Room, 7:00 p.m. d. April 23, 2025, Wednesday, 3nd Budget Committee Meeting if needed, MPB Board Room, 7:00 p.m. e. April 24, 2025, Thursday, Midterm f. |
17.1. Adjournment