January 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Session
Agenda |
The Regular Session of the North Santiam School District’s Board of Directors is called to order at 6:00 pm. It is an open meeting of the Board and the public is allowed to observe in-person and via livestream on YouTube. On the agenda is a place for public comment. Those attending in-person that wish to address the Board during this time must complete an Intent to Submit Public Comment form available near the room entrance prior to this point in the agenda. Those attending virtually must have registered online prior to 4:00 pm in order to receive the Zoom meeting link.
Speakers may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs, however, the law prohibits the Board from hearing complaints regarding any personally identifiable District staff member. The Board asks anyone wishing to communicate a complaint of this manner to follow the proper administrative process in Board policy KL (Public Complaints). This information is available on the District website. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: ALISHA OLIVER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ALISHA OLIVER |
Any changes to the agenda after posting on January 13, 2022 will be acknowledged:
Revised Attachments- *5.2 - NSSD Special Ed Report 2022-23 Added Agenda Items- *10.1-Nutrition Services Procurement Designation RECOMMENDED MOTION-AGENDA APPROVAL I move that the Board approve the agenda as modified. |
This item is set aside for informational presentations that are not recurring agenda items. This may include guest speakers and highlights on schools or programs in the District.
3.1. School Board Appreciation Month
January is School Board Recognition Month and Supt. Loving will acknowledge each member's service to the district.
Laura Wipper - serving since 2005 Mike Wagner - serving since 2007 Alisha Oliver - serving since 2017 Erin Cramer - serving since 2019 Mark Henderson - serving since 2021 Coral Ford - serving since 2021 Mackenzie Strawn - serving since 2021 Omar Garcia & Rori Bentz, 2022-23 Student Reps |
3.2. Stayton Intermediate/Middle Spotlight
Administrators, teachers and students will share some of the amazing things happening at Stayton Intermediate/Middle School.
This agenda item is for monthly reports from the NSSD Student Reps. to the Board and for other requests/reports from students.
5.1. Business Director's Report: Rhonda Allen
This standing agenda item is for the Board to receive the monthly financial report from the Business Director as well as other information relating to that department. This month's report includes an audit report from Accuity, LLC and a draft calendar for the 2023-24 budget process for review. The Board will be asked to approve the budget calendar at the February 16, 2023 meeting.
5.1.1. 2021-22 Audit Report: Glen O. Kearns, Accuity, LLC
Glenn Kearns from the District's auditing firm will be present to review the financial audit report from the 2021-22 school year.
5.1.2. December 2022 Financial Report
5.1.3. Notification of Surplus Items Over $5,000
According to policy DN, property or materials estimated to be greater than $5,000 shall be declared surplus by the superintendent or designee and shall be sold through a bidding procedure, silent, oral or electronic auction or through the state of Oregon surplus property sales. Furthermore, the policy states that the Board will be notified of the disposal of district property over $5,000.
This item serves to officially notify the Board that the District intends to place the following items up for bid on Public Surplus: Surplus Facilities Trailers 1) 2016 Patriot 6'x12' tandem axle double rear door, single side door cargo trailer 2) 2006 Cargo Mate 7'x14.5' tandem axle double rear door, single side door cargo trailer Value: $5,000 - $6,000 each Reason: No longer needed or used Disposal: Sell as bid item on Public Surplus |
5.2. Special Education Report: Jeri Harbison
Special Education Director Jeri Harbison will present the annual report.
5.3. Licensed Union Report
This standing agenda item is to receive regular reports from the Licensed Union representatives.
5.4. Superintendent's Report: Lee W. Loving
This standing agenda item is for the Board to receive a monthly report from the Superintendent.
The meeting will now be opened to receive public comment. We value the time and initiative members of the public take to share their thoughts with the Board. The Board’s role during public comment is not to immediately respond, but to listen. If there is follow-up necessary, we will direct our Superintendent to do so. Remember that we all model the way for our students, and we ask that everyone share their thoughts respectfully. Should any public comment include complaints regarding a personally identifiable District staff member, the Board chair will direct the speaker to the proper administrative process found in Board policy KL which can be found on the table near the entrance of the room and on the District's website. Those who have completed a public comment card will be called one at a time to step forward (or turn on their cameras/mics) and state their name and relationship to the District. Please note that speakers will have three minutes to express their thoughts.
To submit questions for a follow-up response, please complete the form available near the room entrance or via this link QUESTIONS |
In order to make more efficient use of meeting time, items that are routine in nature are placed on the Consent Agenda when no debate is anticipated. Any item placed on the Consent Agenda may be removed at the request of any Board member prior to the time a vote is taken. All remaining items of the Consent Agenda are then disposed of in a single motion.
7.1. Approval of Meeting Minutes
The minutes from the previous month's meeting are submitted for Board review and approval.
7.2. Approval of New Hires
School boards must approve the hiring and annual renewal and/or extensions of the Licensed staff contracts. Changes in licensed staff since the last board meeting are indicated below and on the attachment. Only new hires require board approval.
New Hires (Board Action Required) n/a Resignations n/a Retirements Jeanette Sherman - Lifeskills/Sublimity (working for remainder of '22-'23 school year) |
7.3. Action on Consent Agenda
Motion that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as [presented] [modified]. |
9. Policy Updates/Second Reading
The following policies were presented for a First Reading in the previous month's meeting. They are being presented for a Second Reading and possible adoption. Policies identified with an -AR (Administrative Regulations) are detailed directions governing the operation of schools and do not require board approval.
AC-Nondiscrimination GCQB- Research GDA- Instructional Assistants IFE-Curriculum Guides & Course Outlines IGBAF- Special Education-Individualized Education Program JECB- Admission of Nonresident Students JFC- Student Conduct (revised from 1st reading-see yellow highlight) JHC-Student Health Services & Requirements JHCD/JHCDA- Medications MOTION-POLICY UPDATES I move that the Board approve the edits to the included policies as [presented] [modified].
10.1. Nutrition Services Procurement Designation
The District wishes to change its food service procurement organization from Applegate to the Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition (OCNC) due to product availability and customer support.
MOTION-COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT I move that the Board authorize the North Santiam School District to participate in cooperative purchasing through the OCNC, instead of Applegate, for the procurement of food items needed for meal service. |
10.2. Declaration of 2023-24 Budget Committee Opening
As per NSSD policy DBEA, the Board will announce the vacancy of any Budget Committee members who are unable to complete the term for which they were appointed in preparation for the budget process for the upcoming school year. Applications to fill any open positions for the remainder of their terms will be accepted starting the following day.
RECOMMENDED MOTION I move that the Board declares NSSD Budget Committee Position #9 open, to be filled by appointment for the remainder of the term.
10.3. Low-Impact Pest Control Products
According to ORS 634.705 (5), the governing body of a school district shall adopt a list of low-impact pesticides for use with their integrated pest management plan. The governing body may include any product on the list except products that: (a) Contain a pesticide product or active ingredient that has the signal words "warning" or "danger" on the label; (b) Contain a pesticide product classified as a human carcinogen or probable human carcinogen under the United States Environmental Protection Agency 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment; or (c) Contain a pesticide product classified as carcinogenic to humans or likely to be carcinogenic to humans under the United States Environmental Protection Agency 2003 Draft Final Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment.
RECOMMENDED MOTION-PEST CONTROL PRODUCT LIST I move that the Board approve the list of pest control products as [presented] [modified]. In addition, according to the District's Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan, the IPM Program Coordinator will provide an annual report every January of all pesticide applications during the previous year. The report has been included in the meeting materials.
10.4. Policy Updates/First Reading
These policy edits were recommended by the Oregon School Boards Assoc. (OSBA) as part of their Policy Plus service, typically as a result of new legislation or to revise outdated language. Board members have been assigned specific policies to introduce for a first reading and will be brought back in the following month for a second reading and possible adoption. Policies identified with an -AR (Administrative Regulations) are detailed directions governing the operation of schools and do not require board approval.
GBNAA/JHFF-Suspected Sexual Conduct w/Students & Reporting Reqs GBNAB/JHFE-Suspected Abuse of a Child, Reporting Reqs GBNAB/JHFE-AR1-Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child GBNAB/JHFE-AR2-Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child (form) IB- Freedom of Expression IGBB- Talented & Gifted Program IGBBC (DELETE)- Talented & Gifted Programs & Services IGBBA/AR-Identification-Talented & Gifted IGBHA- Alternative Education Programs IGBHA-AR1-Evaluation of Alternative Education Programs |
11.1. Community Engagement
This standing agenda item is for the Board to continue discussing the process of increasing the engagement of parents and the greater community in our schools.
11.2. Board Reflection
This standing agenda item has been added to allow the Board to collectively reflect upon statements made during public comment or topics covered during Reports.
11.3. Board Reports/Announcements
This item is for things such as reports from board members (E.g. conferences or community events they attended) or to request volunteers for upcoming activities.
Board Buddy Updates: Board Greeter for Next Month: Possible Future Agenda Items: |
12.1. Field Trip Report:
A list of the field trips taken and/or scheduled since the start of the school year has been included in the board packet. New trips scheduled since the last board meeting are highlighted in yellow. Any overnight stays are indicated in red.
12.2. Student Enrollment:
Current enrollment is approximately 2,148 across the District. Numbers for each school are listed below. Refer to the attachment for a breakdown by grade at each location.
Mari-Linn: 187 Sublimity: 360 Stayton Elementary: 355 Stayton Intermediate/Middle: 454 (SIS: 186 SMS: 268 ) Stayton High: 689 Options Academy: 103
12.3. Future Agenda Items:
A list of possible future agenda items is attached as part of the board packet. Board members may request that additional items be posted to this list.
12.4. Upcoming Board Events & Activities:
Information regarding activities across the District can be found on the website at www.nsantiam.k12.or.us
Soup with the Supt ~ February 1, 2023 5:30-6:30 pm @ Sublimity Middle School Regular Session-Board Meeting~ February 16, 2023 6:00 pm @ Stayton Elementary School Cafeteria Regular Session Board Meeting~ March 2, 2023 5:300 pm @ District Office/Santiam Room Regular Session Board Meeting~ March 16, 2023 6:00pm @ Mari-Linn School |