April 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. District Communication
3.A. West Linn High School, Student Representative, Senior Ellen Ward
3.B. Wilsonville High School, Student Representative, Senior Kierra Rowan
3.C. West Linn-Wilsonville Education Foundation, Communications Team Member, Dawn Murai
3.D. District Art Festival - Athey Creek Middle School, Art Teacher, Brian Hunter
4. Recognition and Awards
4.A. Robotics
4.B. Mock Trial
4.C. Inza Wood Middle School - Congressional Hearings National Competition
5. Reports
5.A. Board and Superintendent Reports
5.A.1. Division 22 Standards - Kathy Ludwig
5.A.2. Student Services Update - Jennifer Spencer-Iiams
5.A.3. Curriculum Update - Jane Stickney
6. Consent Agenda
Board Action |
6.A. Minutes Approval:
6.B. Personnel
7. Communications and Comments from the Audience
8. Board Business
8.A. General Administration
8.A.1. Recommendation for Adoption of 2014-2015 School Year Calendars
Board Action
8.B. Business Office
8.B.1. Financial Report
8.B.1.a. Bond Capacity
8.B.1.b. 2013-2014 Budget Update
8.C. Operations
8.C.1. Long Range Planning Update
8.C.1.a. Bond Planning Update
9. Board Meetings & Important Dates
9.A. April 28, 2014 Work Session
9.B. May 5, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
9.C. May 5, 2014 First Budget Committee Meeting
10. Adjourn