March 16, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recognition and Awards
3.A. Lynn Pass - Rachel Pricer Art Award
3.B. Kirk Fowler - Siemens Award for Best AP Teacher in Oregon
3.C. Cathy Smith - Outstanding Teacher of the Year
3.D. Proclamation Classified Employees Recognition Week, March 2 - 6, 2009
4. District Communications
4.A. Rosemont Ridge Middle School
Student Report
4.B. Wilsonville High School
Student report
4.C. West Linn High School
Student report
5. Reports
5.A. Highlights
5.A.1. Sunset Primary - Plastic Bottle Research
5.A.2. Sustainability Showcase Update
5.B. Board and Superintendent Reports
6. Consent Agenda - Board Action
The consent agenda is intended to expedite routine decisions. Any Board member may remove an item from the consent agenda for further discussion. The Board chairman will replace the removed item to an appropriate place on the agenda, generally immediately after the Board action on the consent agenda.
6.A. Minutes Approval: Regular 2/2/09, Special Board Meeting 2/25/09, Study Session 2/25/09, Special Board Meeting 3/9/09
6.B. Personnel Report
7. Communications and Comments from Audience (relating to items on the agenda)
8. Board Business
8.A. General Administration
8.A.1. District Calendar for 2009-2010 School Year - Board Action
8.A.1.a. Option B
8.A.1.b. Option C
8.A.2. Student Transfer Report (written only)
8.B. Business and Finance
8.B.1. Financial Report
8.B.2. Budget Calendar - Board Action
8.B.3. 2008-2009 School Closures
8.C. Curriculum and Instruction
8.C.1. Annual Report
8.D. Operations - Board Action
8.D.1. Resolution 2009-11 - Board Action
8.E. Human Resources (no report at this time)
8.F. Information Technology (no report at this time)
8.G. Special Education (no report at this time)
9. Board Policy
10. Open Comment Period
11. Board Meeting Dates
11.A. TBD - Joint Meeting with City Council
11.B. Monday, April 6, 2009 - Regular
11.C. Monday, April 20, 2009 - Study Session
12. Adjourn