October 13, 2021 at 3:00 PM - Board Work Session
Agenda |
2. Introduction/Overview of MESD's role in Juvenile Detention Education -Sascha Perrins
3. Juvenile Justice and Education from a County Juvenile Justice Perspective
3.A. Multnomah County-Deena Corso
3.A.1. What are the Pathways for youth being placed in detention?
3.A.2. How can MESD improve educational support and services for youth placed at Donald E. Long?
3.A.3. What can MESD do upstream to reduce the number of youth on that pathway?
3.B. Washington County-Lynne Schroeder
3.B.1. What are the Pathways for youth being placed in detention?
3.B.2. How can MESD improve educational support for youth placed at Donald E. Long?
3.B.3. What can MESD do upstream to reduce the number of youth on that pathway?
4. MESD Transition Programs -Micaella Flores, Bars to Bridges
5. Discussion-How can MESD provide better educational opportunities for justice involved youth.
6. Next Steps