October 4, 2018 at 1:00 PM - Board Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Review notes from August meeting
2.A. Follow-up items
2.A.1. Director Woodard to share status of getting information regarding demographic and education level information on our component districts staff members from TSPC.
2.A.2. Director Woodard to share about the discussion had at the August Administrators retreat around cognitive bias.
3. Review and discuss ways for implementing the MESD Equity Policy
3.A. Adopted definition for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
3.A.1. Diversity-The full range of differences and similarities, visible and non-visible, that make each individual unique.
3.A.2. Inclusion-An environment that engages multiple perspectives, differing ideas, and individuals from different backgrounds to help define organizational policy and practice, and help shape organizational culture.
3.A.3. Equity-Values "equal outputs" (of performance, achievement, opportunity, resources, etc.) Assumes everyone starts from different places (in terms of history, experiences, opportunities, resources, etc.)
3.B. Board goals tied to the Equity & Inclusion Committee
3.B.1. Ensure inclusion through adopting and implementing an agency equity lens.
3.B.1.a. Review feedback from Board members on the equity lens samples that were addressed at the August Board Retreat and determine next steps.
3.B.1.b. Assistant Superintendent Perrins to gather information on what our administrative teams are looking at for Equity.
3.B.2. Continue Board development and focus on regional leadership including equity work
3.B.2.a. Review ideas from August Board Retreat and determine next steps
3.B.2.a.1. Regional Equity
-Training, what is next -Grant -Metro area Equity work/Professional Development -Hiring
3.C. Other tangible steps we can take toward items 2,3,4 and 5 in the Equity policy in 2018-19