August 12, 2009 at 8:30 AM - Bi-Annual Board Planning Session
Agenda |
1. (8:30) Call to Order and Roll Call
1.A. INTRODUCTION: Chair Spellman
1.B. Icebreaker Facilitator Gratton
1.C. Slide Presentation Cab. Dir. Skolnick
1.D. Ground Rules Facilitator Gratton
2. (9:00) Philosophy/Vision (#3, #7)
2.A. INTRODUCTION: Superintendent Hitchcock
2.B. Legislative Mandates
2.B.1. Oregon Revised Statutes
2.B.2. Oregon Administrative Rules
2.B.3. LocServPlan/ DistServPlan
2.C. Goals: Set Good Policy, Provide Training, Evaluation Supt. Hitchcock
2.C.1. 08-09 Superintendent Goals
2.C.2. 08-09 Summary of Board Agenda Items
2.C.3. 09-10 Proposed Agency Goals
2.C.4. BHAGS & Hedgehog Concept
2.C.5. OUTCOMES: Facilitator Gratton
2.D. Roles and Responsibilities Facilitator Gratton
2.D.1. Board
2.D.2. Superintendent
2.D.3. Cabinet
2.D.4. OUTCOMES: Facilitator Gratton
3. (10:00) BREAK and ROTATION
4. (10:15) Communication (#7)
4.A. INTRODUCTION: Chair Spellman
4.B. How do we interact?
4.C. What tools do we use to provide and receive input?
4.D. What are our preferences for forums and tools?
4.E. How do we prefer to give and receive information, and how much?
4.F. OUTCOMES: Facilitator Gratton
5. (10:30) Organization (#7)
5.A. INTRODUCTION: Vice Chair Washington
5.B. Board Vice Chair Washington
5.B.1. MESD Board Member History 1981 - Current
5.B.2. Workers Compensation Report
5.B.3. 2009-2010 Board Committees
5.B.4. 09-10 Board Activity Calendar
5.C. Agency Cabinet Director Schwartz
5.C.1. Master Organization Chart
5.C.2. Operations Side Organzation Chart
5.C.3. Program Side Organization Chart
5.C.4. CSAC Venn Diagram
5.C.5. PAT Venn Diagram
5.C.6. Staffing Trends
5.C.7. MESD Non-Represented Staff
5.C.8. 2009-2010 Supervisor List by Funding Source
5.C.9. OUTCOMES: Facilitator Gratton
5.D. Partners Superintendent Hitchcock
5.D.1. AESA
5.D.2. OSBA
5.D.3. OAESD
5.D.4. OUTCOMES: Facilitator Gratton
6. (11:30) LUNCH and ROTATION
7. (12:15) Budget (#2)
7.A. INTRODUCTION: Superintendent Hitchcock
7.B. 08-09 Accomplishments and Goals
7.C. 08-09 Operations Savings and Revenue Increases
7.D. 09-10 Adopted Budget Combining Fund Summary - All Funds
7.E. Future Budget Balance Equation
7.F. Multnomah County District Budget Comparisons
7.G. 09-10 Revised Budget
7.H. Potential Cuts
7.H.1. Operations Prioritized Potential Cuts
7.H.2. MESD Operations Costs - Potential Cuts
7.I. OUTCOMES: Facilitator Gratton
9. (2:00) Reinventing ESDs (#7)
9.A. INTRODUCTION: Superintendent Hitchcock
9.B. ESD Mergers and Governance Change - Draft Action Plan
10. Other:
11. Adjournment
The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Immediately following the Board meeting (approximately 8:30 p.m.) the Board will meet in Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations.