January 9, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Regular Meeting to Order
1.A. National Anthem - HES Choir
1.B. Establish Quorum
2. Welcome
2.A. Review Agenda: Any Additions/Deletions/Corrections
2.B. Comments from the Audience
2.B.1. MCEA
2.B.2. OSEA
2.B.3. ESD
2.B.4. Public Forum - General Statement on Agenda Items
2.C. Consent Agenda
2.C.1. Approve Minutes
2.C.2. Approve Financial Report
2.C.3. Employment Action
3. Reports & Presentations
3.A. Superintendent's Report
3.A.1. Attendance Variance Report
3.B. Assistant Superintendent Report
3.C. HES Report - Success Maker - Melissa Coiner
3.D. FFA Report - Mrs. Dickenson & Students
3.E. Local Service Plans - ESD Presentation
4. Unfinished Business
4.A. Recommend Appointment to Budget Committee, if any
4.B. 2nd Rdg/Adoption of Policy IIABB - Use of Feature Films/Video
4.C. 2nd Rdg/Adoption of Policy Revision of BCE - Temporary & Standing Committees
4.D. PERS Bond Refinance Notification for Board
5. New Business
5.A. Adoption of Administrative Regulation - IIABB-AR - Use of Feature Films/Videos
5.C. Name Negotiations Teams for Licensed & Classified Bargaining
6. Announcements
6.A. School Board Recognition Month - Declaration
7. Adjourn