June 11, 2007 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Flag Salute
1.B. Establish Quorum
2. Welcome
2.A. Review Agenda
2.B. Comments from the Audience
2.B.1. MCEA
2.B.2. OSEA
2.B.3. ESD
2.B.4. Public Forum
2.C. Consent Agenda
2.C.1. Approve Minutes
2.C.2. Approve Financial Report
2.C.3. Employment Action
2.C.4. Approve Employment for Coaches & Extra Duty Contracts for 2007-08
2.C.5. Attendance Variance: Collette Cason to attend Arlington SD from MCSD (renewal); Natalie Delacruz and Martin Doran to attend ACH from Umatilla SD
2.C.6. Accept & Acknowledge Donation in the Amount of $2,231.90 from Heppner PTC to Heppner Elementary School - funds to be used for Outdoor School
3. Reports & Presentations
3.A. Superintendent's Report
3.A.1. SBE Fire Restoration Project
3.A.2. TAG Presentation from HHS - Petra Payne
3.B. Principal's Reports
4. Unfinished Business
4.A. Language Arts Textbook Adoption
5. New Business
5.A. Canvass Election Results - May 2007
5.B. Swear in New Board Member
5.C. Adopt 2007-08 Board Calendar
5.D. Approve Annual Organizational Details
5.E. Name Selection Committee for SBE Principal Position
5.F. Discuss Chartwell Contract for Food Service Management
5.G. Approve & Adopt the 2007-08 Budget
6. Announcements
7. Adjourn
8. Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(d) - Negotiations