March 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order: Public - 6:30 p.m.
2. Flag Salute
3. Accolades
4. Approval of Minutes: Board Action
4.A. Minutes - February 17, 2015 - Regular Meeting
4.B. Minutes - March 2, 2015 - Regular Worksession Meeting
5. Visitors: The Fern Ridge School Board encourages public input. Comments on non-agenda items may be presented now. If you wish to comment on an agenda item, the Board Chair will call on you at the appropriate time. Individuals are asked to limit their comments to three minutes. While speakers may during public meetings offer objective criticism of school operations and programs, the Board will not hear personal complaints concerning district personnel nor against any person connects with the school system. Please state your name and address. If speaking for an organization, state the name of the organization. New items may be deferred to allow the administration time to provide the Board necessary background information.
6. Board Issues:
6.A. Bond Update - Rick Rainone
6.B. DBC Update - Dr. Sally Storm, Superintendent
6.C. Budget Committee Members
6.D. Other
7. Business Manager:
7.A. Enrollment Report
7.B. Financial Report
7.C. Other
8. Superintendent and Other Reports:
8.A. School Calendars 2015-2016 - First Reading - Dr. Sally Storm, Superintendent
8.B. Student Discipline Data - Dr. Sally Storm, Superintendent
8.C. State School Funding - Dr. Sally Storm, Superintendent
8.D. FRSD Administrative Rules - Information - Dr. Sally Storm, Superintendent
8.D.1. Prescription/Nonprescription Medication
8.E. FRSD Policies - First Reading - Dr. Sally Storm, Superintendent
8.E.1. DN - Disposal of District Property
8.E.2. JHCD - Nonprescription Medication
8.E.3. JHCDA - Prescription Medication
8.F. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Sally Storm, Superintendent
8.G. Other
9. Personnel Issues:
9.A. Licensed Employees Resignations/New Hires/Transfers/Other - Board Action
9.A.1. Hiring of Jeanne Ohnemus - Temporary Special Education Teacher - Beginning February 17, 2015 and Ending June 15, 2015
9.B. Other Personnel Issues
9.B.1. Renew Confidential Staff for 2015-2016 - Board Action - Greg Baker, Quanah Bennett, Olivia Meyers Buch, Deborah Moore, Jeff Thiessen
9.B.2. Personnel Report Classified/Confidential/Manager/Coach Employees
10. Late Items
11. Adjournment