January 19, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order: Public - 7:00 p.m.
2. Flag Salute
3. Approval of Minutes: Board Action
3.A. Minutes - December 7, 2009 - Regular Worksession Meeting
3.B. Minutes - December 7, 2009 - Regular Meeting
3.C. Minutes - January 5, 2010 - Regular Worksession Meeting
4. Visitors: Address the Board on topics not on the agenda. Please state your name and address. If speaking for an organization, state the name of the organization. New items may be deferred to allow the administration time to provide the Board necessary background information.
5. Board Issues:
5.A. School Board Recognition Month
5.B. Negotiations with FREA
5.C. Other
6. Business Manager:
6.A. Enrollment Report
6.B. Financial Statements
6.C. Surplus Property
6.D. Other
7. Superintendent and Other Reports:
7.A. Willamette Leadership Academy Presentation - Roger McClelland, Executive Director
7.B. Lane Education Service District - Resolution Services - Board Action - Debbie Egan, Lane ESD Supt
7.B.1. 2008-09 Summary of Services for Fern Ridge School District 28J
7.B.2. Resolution for Local Service Plan
7.C. Japan Trip Summer 2010 - Board Action - Brad Bellingham, EHS Teacher
7.D. Strategic Plan - Jackie Turle, EHS Asst. Principal/Curriculum Coor.
7.E. Superintendent's Report - Marv Ott, Superintendent
7.F. Other
8. Personnel Issues:
8.A. Resignations/New Hires/Transfers/Other - Board Action
9. Late Items
10. Adjournment