August 18, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening Items
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Announcement by the President that a Quorum is present and that the notice has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1.C. Invocation and Pledges to the United States Flag and Texas Flag
2. Non-Action Items
2.A. Open Forum
3. Consent Agenda - All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of the items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as an item on the Regular Agenda.
3.A. Consider Acceptance of Appointment of Professional Personnel
3.B. Consider Approval of Minutes of Special Board of Trustees Meeting held on July 7, 2008.
3.C. Consider Approval of Annual Board Planning Calendar 2008-2009
3.D. Consider Approval of Participation in the 2013 Purchasing Co-op
3.E. Consider Approval of Consulting and Professional Services for Special Education Students
3.F. Consider Approval of Campus Walk Zones
3.G. Consider Approval of Fund Raising Projects for 2008-2009
3.H. Consider Approval of Request for Student Transfers into New Braunfels ISD for the 2008-2009 School Year
3.I. Consider Approval of the Annual Waivers for TAKS Testing Dates
4. Action Items - All items on the Regular Agenda will be considered in Open Meeting. The Regular Agenda includes reports and action items that may require discussion by the Board of Trustees.
4.A. Consider Adoption of Order Setting Tax Rate for 2008 and Resolution Providing for Ad Valorem Tax Exemption for 2008
4.B. Consider Approval of Communities In School Contract for 2008-2009
4.C. Consider Approval of Professional Development Appraisal System Appraisal Calendar and list of Appraisers for 2008-2009
4.D. Consider Approval of an Order by the Board of Trustees of the New Braunfels Independent School District Authorizing the Issuance of "New Braunfels Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2008"
4.E. Consider Appointment of Delegate to represent New Braunfels Independent School District at 2008 Texas Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly
5. Discussion and Possible Action
6. Informational Items
6.A. Report from Architect and Construction Manager
6.B. Review of Technology Fund Expenditures
6.C. Review of 1999 Bond Issue Expenditures
6.D. Report of State Accountability District and Campus Ratings
6.E. Overview of New Braunfels ISD 2008 Summer Programs
7. Executive Session
7.A. Personnel—§551.074
8. Announcement and Adjournment
8.A. Future Board Meetings
8.A.1. Monday, September 8, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the Ed Center Board Room
8.A.2. Monday, October 20, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the Ed Center Board Room
8.A.3. Monday, November 17, 2008 at 7:00 PM at Ed Center Board Room
8.A.4. Monday, December 15, 2008 at 7:00 PM at the Ed Center Board Room