April 18, 2005 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Establishment of Quorum
2. Executive Session: The Board shall convene in executive session as provided for in the Texas Government Code, Subchapters D & E, §551.071 (a): for private consultation with the Board's attorney regarding pending or contemplated litigation.
3. Convene Regular Action Meeting
4. Invocation, Lone Star Elementary Student Brianna Chapa
5. Pledge of Allegiance to United States Flag, Lone Star Elementary Students Paul Michael Domanski and Connor Smith
6. Pledge of Allegiance to Texas Flag, Lone Star Elementary Students Adelaide Joralemon and Jacob Styslinger
7. Board of Trustees Proclamation(s)
8. Outstanding Achievements of Students & Educators
9. New Braunfels High School Senior Students of the Month Kristina Holden and Tracey Whitley
10. Open Forum
11. Consent Action Agenda
11.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of Board of Trustees Meetings
11.B. Consider Acceptance of Retirements, Resignations, Approval of Appointments and Leaves of Absence of Employees
11.C. Consider Approval of 2005 Scholarship Awards
11.D. Consider Approval of Athletic Equipment Bid
11.E. Review of 1999 Bond Issue Construction and Renovation Payments
11.F. Consider Approval of Budget Amendments for 2004-05
11.H. Consider Approval of Investment Reports for Third Quarter 2004-05
11.I. Consider Adoption of Resolution Supporting Membership in the Adult Basic Education Cooperative
11.J. Consider Approval of Requests for Student Transfer into the New Braunfels ISD for the 2004-2005 School Year
11.K. Consider Approval of Requests for Student Transfer into the New Braunfels ISD for the 2005-2006 School Year
11.L. Consider Approval of Out-of-State Overnight Student Trips
11.M. Report on Intrastate Overnight Student Trips
11.N. Review of Financial Statements for March 2005
12. Regular Action Agenda
12.A. Discussion and Possible Action: Consider Approval of Utility Line Right-of-Way Agreement with New Braunfels Utilities
12.B. Consider Approval of Recommendation for School Calendar for the 2005-2006 School Year and Applications for Waiver
12.C. Consider Approval of Report of Monthly Tax Collections for February 2005
12.D. Consider Approval of Property/Casualty and Liability Insurance
12.E. Consider Approval of Agricultural & Science Facility Revised Site Plan
12.F. Report on Superintendent’s Goal 3: Enhancing the Academic Program
12.G. Continued Development of the 2005-2006 NBISD Budget
12.I. Discussion & Possible Action: Consider Improvement of NBHS Baseball Facilities
12.J. Board Member/Superintendent Comments & Calendar Update
13. Executive Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session as provided for in the Texas Government Code, Subchapters D & E, §551.082: consideration of the discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel
14. Consider and Take Action on the Level III Grievance Heard
15. Adjournment