June 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Routine
II.A. Roll Call
II.B. Pledge of Allegiance
II.C. Approval of Financial Report and Pay June 9, 2016 Bills
II.D. Consent Agenda
II.D.1. Approval of extra bills paid May 26, 2016
II.D.2. Approval of May 12, 2016 Regular Board meeting minutes
II.D.3. Approval of May 12, 2016 Closed Session Minutes
II.D.4. Approval of June 6, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting minutes
II.D.5. Approval of December 10, 2015 Closed Session Minutes
II.D.6. Approval of January 14, 2016 Closed Session Minutes
II.D.7. Approval of March 10, 2016 Closed Session Minutes
II.D.8. Approval of Prevailing Wage Resolution
II.D.9. Approval of resolution to authorize Washington State Bank, Illinois School District Liquid Asset Funds (PMA), and Washington Community Bank as legal depositories
II.D.10. Approval to retain Don Twaddle as School Treasurer at a rate of $3,200 for the 2016-2017 school year
II.D.11. Approval of resolution to authorize treasurer to pay bond and interest payments when they are due and to make investments when directed by the Superintendent or Board
II.D.12. Approval to retain Shannan Dobbelaire as Recording Secretary
II.E. Public Comments
III. Administrative Reports
III.A. Superintendent
III.A.1. Washington Building Summary Report (May, 2016)
III.A.2. FOIA Requests
III.A.3. FY16 Budget Outlook
III.A.4. 2016 Joint Annual Conference November 18-20
III.A.5. Retirement and Recognition Luncheon
III.A.6. ISBE School Nutrition Program Administrative Review conducted on April 28, 2016
III.B. District Building Updates
III.B.1. Central Primary School
III.B.2. Central Intermediate School
IV. Old Business
IV.A. Approval of FY16 Budget Amendment
IV.B. Approval of salaries/wages for certified and non-certified employees for 2016-2017
IV.C. Approval to Reseal Asphalt Surfaces
IV.D. Approval of Cafeteria Equipment
IV.E. Approval of Central School District 51 Teacher Evaluation Plan
V. New Business
V.A. Approval of Resolution to Waive the Limitation of Administrative Costs for the 2015-2016 School Year
V.B. Approval of CPS and CIS Student-Parent Handbooks
V.C. Personnel
V.C.1. Approval of Resignation of Certified or Non-Certified Employee
V.C.2. Approval of Retirement Notification of a Certified Employee
V.C.3. Approval of Employment of a Certified or Non-Certified Employee
V.C.4. Approval to Grant Unpaid Leaves of Absence to Certified Employees
V.D. Approval of release of Closed Session minutes
V.E. Approval to destroy selected audio recordings from closed session meetings held prior to January 15, 2015
VI. Closed Session
VI.A. Personnel - 5 ILC5 120/2 (c) (1)
VII. Other Business
VII.A. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education is Thursday, July 14, 2016 at Central Intermediate School
VII.B. Items from the Board
VIII. Adjourn