March 18, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order Regular Meeting
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance
III. Certification of Posting Notice of Regular Meeting
IV. Recognition of Guests
V. Consider Approval of Minutes from Regular Meeting of February 19, 2020 (Action Item)
VI. Citizens Desiring to Appear Before the Board on Agenda and Non-agenda Items (Please complete a request card prior to the start of the meeting. The Board Chairperson may limit the time of appearance before the Board to three minutes.)
VII. Informative Reports:
VII.1. Student Success Story (Dr. W. Myles Shelton)
VII.2. Title IX Administrative Report – Fall 2019 (Dr. Mary Jan Lantz)
VII.3. Monthly Financial Reports – February (Mr. M. Jeff Engbrock)
VIII. Consideration of Consent Agenda
(The purpose of the consent agenda is to allow the Board to identify and approve action items which require no additional information or discussion and for which there is unanimous approval. Regents receive agenda materials in advance of the meeting to prepare for the business to be conducted.)
IX. Action Items:
IX.1. Consider Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2019-20 Second Quarter Investment Report
IX.2. Consider Approval of Bid for Annual Electrical Services Contract
IX.3. Consider Approval of Proposal for Campus Dining Services
IX.4. Consider Approval of Course Fees for Academic Year 2020-21
IX.5. Consider Approval of Student Housing Room and Board Fees for 2020-21
IX.6. Consider Adoption of Resolution and Approval of Interlocal Agreement Authorizing Participation in The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Purchasing Cooperative
IX.7. Consider Approval of Proposal to Purchase Equipment for Faculty and Staff Information Technology Computer Refresh
IX.8. Consider Acceptance of Faculty Resignation
IX.9. Presentation and Acceptance of Certificates of Unopposed Candidates
IX.10. Consider Approval of Order of Cancellation for May 2, 2020 General and Special Elections
IX.11. Consider Appointment of 2020-2022 Board Officers Nominating Committee
IX.12. Consider Appointment to Represent Galveston College on the Vision Galveston Board
X. Special Reports and Comments:
X.1. Student Representative
X.2. Faculty Representative (Dr. Larry Blomstedt)
X.3. President (Dr. W. Myles Shelton)
X.4. Regents
X.5. Chairperson (Ms. Karen F. Flowers)
XI. Adjournment