July 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Public Hearing/Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order, Roll Call & Establish Quorum
II. Moment of Silence/Prayer
III. Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Texas Flag
IV. VISION - Inspiring Life-Long Learning by Providing Limitless Opportunities for Success
MISSION - Empowering Individuals Today to Prepare for Tomorrow |
V. Public Participation (Open Forum) as per Policy BED (LOCAL) - The Robstown ISD Board of Trustees welcomes comments from citizens on any agenda items or non-agenda item. Those wishing to address the school board must provide their name for the record and observe a three-minute time limit. During this time, the Board of Trustees may not respond to the citizens concerns as per the Texas Open Meetings Act.
VI. Public Hearing: Robstown ISD Request for Public Comments on the Use of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) Funds
VII. Superintendent's Celebration(s):
VII.A. Recognition of RISD School Board of Trustees
VII.B. Proud You're a Picker Award
VIII. Informational Item(s):
VIII.A. Tech Conference - July 19, 2022
VIII.B. Leadership Retreat - July 21-22, 2022
VIII.C. ESC2 School Board Conference on August 5-6, 2022 - Prioritizing School Safety
VIII.D. TASA/TASB Convention on September 22-25, 2022, San Antonio, Texas
VIII.E. Distribution of TASB Policy Upate 119 - First Reading
VIII.F. Update of Calendar of Events
VIII.G. Welding Lab, Vet Tech, and Bandhall Project Updates
VIII.H. Federal Grant Application Update
VIII.I. 2022-2023 Bell Schedule
VIII.K. Back to School Update
VIII.L. Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan Update
VIII.M. Safe and Secure Schools Plan
IX. Consent Agenda Item(s):
IX.A. Action: Approval of Minutes
IX.B. Action: List of Bills
IX.C. Action: Approval of Budget Amendment(s)
IX.D. Action: Approval of 2022-2023 Robstown ISD Appraisal Calendar
IX.E. Action: Approval of Robstown ISD Appraisers for the 2022-2023 School Year
IX.F. Action: Approval of Additional Advanced Classes Identification No Pass, No Play Exemption for the 2022-2023 School Year
IX.G. Action: Financial Statement Report/Quarterly Investment Report
X. Governance:
X.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval to Call to Order a General Election for the
2022 Trustee Election on November 8, 2022, for Places 5, 6 & 7
XI. Business and Support:
XI.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Date and Time of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year
XI.B. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of ESC 2 Contract for Programs and Services
XI.C. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Resolution Regarding Designation of Officer or Employee to Calculate the No-New Revenue Tax Rate and the Voter Approval Tax Rate in Accordance with the Texas Tax Code
XI.D. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Renewal of Contract for Speech Therapy
XI.E. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Robstown ISD Compensation Plan
XI.F. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of RISD Retention Stipend Resolution
XI.G. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of COVID Resolution
XI.H. Action: Consideration and Possible Action to Authorize the Sale of the Properties Described Below and Authorizing the Superintendent to Post Notice of the District's Intent to Sell Such Properties in accordance with Section 272.001(a) of the Texas Local Government Code, to Receive and Open Sealed Proposals, and to Present Said Proposals to the Board of Trustees for Acceptance or Rejection: 285316, 6807-0007-0130, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LT 13 BLK 7; 285317, 6807-0007-0140, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LT 14 BLK 7; 285318, 6807-0007-0150, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LT 15 BLK 7; 285319, 6807-0007-0160, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LTS 16 & 17 BLK 7; 285320, 6807-0007-0180, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LT 18 BLK 7, 285321, 6807-0007-0190, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LTS 19 & 20 BLK 7; 285322, 6807-0007-0210, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LT 21 BLK 7; 285323, 6807-0007-0220, MAIN AVE W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LTS 22 & 23 BLK 7; 244135, 3430-0002-0170, WESTERN AVE ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, HIGHWAY-RBST LT 17 BLK 2 LESS POR TO ROW; 244136, 3430-0002-0180, WESTERN AVE ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, HIGHWAY-RBST LTS 18 & 19 BLK 2 LESS POR TO ROW; 244137, 3430-0002-0200, WESTERN AVE ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, HIGHWAY-RBST LTS 20 & 21 BLK 2 LESS POR TO ROW; 244138, 3430-0002-0220, WESTERN AVE ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, HIGHWAY-RBST LTS 22 & 23 BLK 2 LESS POR TO ROW; 244139, 3430-0002-0240, WESTERN AVE ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, HIGHWAY-RBST LTS 24 & 25 BLK 2; 200057680, 9382-0005-0007, AVENUE A W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, WEST END-RBST W/2 OF LT 7 BLK 5; 293930, 7435-0046-0260, 519 AVENUE A E ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, ROBSTOWN T/S LTS 26 & 27 BLK 46; 293443, 7435-0011-0010, 508 Fifth N ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, ROBSTOWN T/S LTS 1 THRU 3 BLK 11
XI.I. Action: Consideration and Possible Action to Authorize the Sale of the Properties Described Below and Authorizing the Superintendent to Post Notice of the District's Intent to Sell Such Properties in Accordance with Section 272.001(a) of the Texas Local Government Code, to Receive and Open Sealed Proposals, and to Present said Proposals to the Board of Trustees for Acceptance or Rejection: 285292, 6807-0006-0010, AVENUE B W ROBSTOWN, TX 78380, PLAZA-RBST LTS 1 THRU 17 BLK 6; 375481, 6474-0019-0000, MATIANA ORTIZ BLVD//MAIN/AVE B, ROBSTOWN, TEXAS 78380, PAUL G H FARMS BLKS 1.413 ACS OUT BLK 19; 282194, 6474-0013-0215, FIRST STREET, ROBSTOWN, TEXAS 78380, PAUL G H FARM BLKS 140' X 325' OUT OF LT 2 BLK 13
XII. Instruction:
XII.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Student Dress Code for the 2022-2023 School Year
XIII. Closed Session - Section 551.071, 551.072 & 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
XIII.A. Pursuant to Sections 551.074, 551.071, and 551.072 of the Texas Government Code, the Board will Adjourn Into Closed Session for the Purpose of Considering the Appointments, Employments, Evaluations, Resignations, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Employees
XIII.B. Deliberation Regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property Pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code.
XIII.C. Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney
XIV. Open Session:
XIV.A. Action: Discuss and Consider Approval of Appointments, Employments, Evaluations, Resignations, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Employees
XV. Adjournment