March 25, 2025 at 4:30 PM - Health Advisory Committee
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call of Committee Members
1.B. Adoption of Agenda (For Possible Action)
Committee members reserve the right to take items in a different order to accomplish business in the most efficient manner.
2. Public Comment #1
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item regarding any item appearing on the agenda. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals may address the committee by indicating their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. The committee reserves the right to limit the amount of time that will be allowed for each individual to speak. (The time allotted is nontransferable for each speaker.) The committee is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that are not already on the agenda. No action may be taken on a matter discussed under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Public Comment #2 will provide an opportunity for public comment on any matter within the Committee's jurisdiction, control, or advisory authority.
3. Committee Members' Comment
Comments from committee members are invited at this time for any item not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. The intent of this standing item is to allow committee members to provide feedback to the committee as a whole regarding membership questions and comments. Committee members should limit the amount of time and be respectful of time constraints and not be repetitive of other committee members' comments.
4. Approval of Minutes for the February 25, 2025 Meeting (For Possible Action)
Attached are the minutes for the February 25, 2025 Health Advisory Committee Meeting for review and approval.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes for the Health Advisory Committee Meeting dated February 25, 2025.
5. Review of Claims (Information and Discussion)
Lloyd Barnes, Nate Kerr
A representative from DCSD's broker, LP Insurance Services, Inc., will review claims expenses for Douglas County School District's self-funded health insurance.
6. Customer Service Review (Information and Discussion)
Sam Bradley
A representative from Douglas County School District's Third Party Administrator, Hometown Health, will review customer service statistics.
7. Self- Insurance Fund Projected Financials (Information and Discussion)
Executive Director of Human Resources will provide an update on the projected financials of the district's self-insured health insurance fund.
8. Correspondence (Information and Discussion)
Committee members will discuss or review any correspondence received pertaining to the Advisory Health Insurance Committee.
9. Future Agenda Items (Discussion and for Possible Action)
Committee members will discuss or propose upcoming items for future agenda items in addition to setting the next meeting date(s) and times.
10. Public Comment #2
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item on any matter within the committee's jurisdiction, control, or advisory authority. No action may be taken on a matter discussed under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. A sign-up sheet is provided and individuals may address the committee by indicating their desire to speak and the topic about which they will speak. The committee reserves the right to limit the amount of time that will be allowed for each individual to speak. (The time allotted in nontransferable for each speaker.) The committee is precluded from acting on items raised during Public Comment that re not already on the agenda. No action may be taken on a matter discussed under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken.
11. Adjournment
(*) Times are estimated. Items on the Agenda may be taken out of order. The Health Advisory Committee may combine two or more agenda items for consideration, and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. Generally speaking, the item will be heard no earlier than the time indicated.
If copies of the complete agenda (and supporting materials) are desired in advance, they may be obtained at the District Office on the Friday or Monday preceding a regular Tuesday meeting of the Committee. Please contact Leeann Caires at 775-782-5134 or Notice to Individuals with Disabilities: Members of the public who require special assistance or accommodations are asked to notify the District Administration at 1638 Mono Avenue, Minden, Nevada, 89423, or by calling 782-5134, so that such notification is received at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. In conformance with the Open Meeting Law, it is hereby noted that the agenda for the meeting of the Douglas County School District Health Advisory Committee has been posted at the following locations: Douglas County School District, Minden, NV District website: State of Nevada website: |