May 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
A.1. Call to Order
A.2. Salute to the Flag
A.3. Reading of the Mission Statement
"Community High School strives to promote and provide growth experiences in Learning, Leadership and Living."
Rich Nagel
A.4. Roll Call
A.5. Additions to the Agenda:
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ |
B.1. Student of the Month
B.1.a. Lily Cuka - April 2021
D.1. Superintendent's Report
Moses Cheng
D.1.b. ISBE Disproportionality- Exclusionary Discipline Notification and Special Education SPP 9/10
D.2. Director of Business Services Report
Dan Oberg
D.2.a. Amended Budget
D.3. Director of Human Resources Report
Cheryl Moore
D.4. Principal's Report
Will Dwyer
D.5. Committee and Representative Reports
D.5.a. Finance
D.5.b. Monitoring and Planning
D.5.c. Policy
D.5.d. SASED
D.6. Future Dates
D.6.a. Regular Board of Education Meeting - June 15, 2021
D.6.b. Regular Board of Education Meeting - July 20, 2021
D.7. Open Comment - Board Members
D.8. Future Issues
E.1. Items Removed from Consent Agenda for Separate Action
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ |
E.2. Consent Agenda Action for All Items Except Those Listed in 1. Above
F.1. Approval of Minutes
F.1.a. Special & Organizational Board of Education Meeting - May 4, 2021
F.1.b. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the minutes of the meeting(s) listed above.
F.2. Approval of Financials
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the expenditures from April 15 to May 12, 2021 and accept the financial reports. |
F.2.a. Approve Current Expenditures
F.2.b. Imprest Fund Statement
F.2.c. Treasurer's Report
F.2.d. Statement of Position/Financial Report
F.2.e. Statement of Revenue/Expenditures YTD Ending April 30, 2021
F.2.f. 3-Year Budget/Actual Report
F.2.h. Petty Cash Fund Report
F.2.i. Student Activity Account Fund Balance
F.2.j. New Vendors Monthly Report
F.2.k. Quarterly Financial Reports
F.2.l. Referendum Revenue and Expenditure Report
F.2.m. Board Conference Travel Expenses
F.3. Personnel Report - (Roll Call)
The Personnel Report consists of the employment of certified staff, the resignation of certified staff, the leave of absence of non-certified staff, the resignation of coaches, the change in job duties for two certified staff, and the renewal of 2021/2022 employment contracts for 15 administrators.
F.3.a. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Personnel Report as presented in the packet.
F.4. Appointment of Treasurer - (Roll Call)
F.4.a. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education appoint Dan Morris to the position of Treasurer for a one year term from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 with a stipend of $2,500 per year.
F.5. Approve Treasurer's Bond - (Roll Call)
F.5.a. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Surety Bond of the Treasurer and 2021 General Obligation Bonds.
F.6. Approve Depository Accounts for District Funds - (Roll Call)
F.6.a. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the banks of depository as per the attached.
F.7. Appoint Audit Firm - (Roll Call)
F.7.a. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education engage Baker Tilly of Oak Brook, Illinois as the District's audit firm for a three year contract starting with the audit of the 2021 fiscal year.
F.8. Interfund Transfer - (Roll Call)
F.8.a. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the resolution authorizing the transfer of interest from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund no later than June 30, 2021.
H.1. Separation of Employment - (Roll Call)
H.1.a. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education accept the following:
The resignation of Kelly Thornton, Teacher/Math Division, effective 06/15/21. |
H.2. Miscellaneous Wages - (Roll Call)
H.2.a. Annually, the Board of Education approves miscellaneous wages for temporary and seasonal positions. It is recommended the Board approve a change to the rates for student/Seasonal Employee and Program Support to comply with minimum wage requirements, to adjust the long-term daily substitute rate, and to add a rate for Livestream Operator as explained in the attached memo.
H.2.b. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the recommended changes to miscellaneous wages for the 2021-22 school year.
H.3. Midwest Industrial Funds Intergovernmental Agreement (Revised from December 17, 2019) - (Roll Call)
H.3.a. An Intergovernmental agreement is being brought to the board for approval between the local taxing entities including the City of West Chicago, The DuPage Airport Authority, the West Chicago; Library District, Fire Protection District, Elementary School District 33, and Community High School District 94 and Midwest Industrial Funds regarding a Property Tax Abatement related to the development of the property located at 2525 Enterprise Circle, West Chicago, IL. The agreement and subsequent revisions have been reviewed by our legal counsel. As a requirement from the City of West Chicago, for occupancy purposes, the revised IGA is attached for your approval. |
H.3.a.1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Intergovernmental Agreement providing a property tax abatement for the development of Midwest Industrial Funds Property located at 2525 Enterprise Circle, West Chicago, IL, as presented.
H.4. Ball Horticultural Intergovernmental Agreement - (Revised from July 17, 2018) - (Roll Call)
H.4.a. An Intergovernmental agreement is being brought to the board for approval between the local taxing entities including the City of West Chicago, The DuPage Airport Authority, the West Chicago; Library District, Fire Protection District, Elementary School District 33, and Community High School District 94 and Ball Horticultural Company regarding a Property Tax Abatement related to new construction at 622 Town Road, West Chicago, IL. The agreement and subsequent revisions have been reviewed by our legal counsel. As a requirement from the City of West Chicago, for occupancy purposes, the revised IGA is attached for your approval.
H.4.a.1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Intergovernmental Agreement providing a property tax abatement for the development of Ball Horticultural Company Property at 622 Town Road, West Chicago, IL, as presented. |
H.5. Annual Furniture Order - (Roll Call)
H.5.a. As part of an annual furniture order process, the Business Office requested furniture needs from department heads. A request was sent out to three vendors asking for pricing using a purchasing cooperative contract. Three quotes were provided from Warehouse Direct, Frank Cooney and Larson Equipment.
H.5.a.1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education accept the proposal from Warehouse Direct, Des Plaines, IL at a cost not to exceed $39,421.23, which includes delivery and installation. |
H.6. Scoreboard Purchase Approval - Purchasing Cooperative - (Roll Call)
H.6.a. The scoreboards located in Bishop Gym and at the Stadium are both at least 20 years old and are becoming expensive to repair and difficult to find replacement parts. Nevco has provided our current scoreboards for the District. As part of a purchasing cooperative contract, Nevco provided pricing to replace all three scoreboards. |
H.6.a.1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the purchase of 3 scoreboards from Nevco, Chicago, IL in the total amount not to exceed $63,658.02. |
H.7. Skyward Qmaltiv Contract Approval - (Roll Call)
H.7.a. The District’s current financial software is Skyward. Skyward has recently released an upgrade to their system, called Qmlativ. It is recommended to move to this new system before Skyward starts to force all of their clients to the new system. Migrating to the new system will require training and services from Skyward to ensure the system is set up correctly..
H.7.a.1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Skyward Qmlativ Transition Plan proposal from Skyward Inc, Stevens Point, WI at a cost not to exceed $6,018.00. |
H.8. Norix Occupancy Intergovernmental Agreement - (Revised from March 20, 2018) - (Roll Call)
H.8.a. An Intergovernmental agreement is being brought to the board for approval between the local taxing entities including the City of West Chicago, The DuPage Airport Authority, the West Chicago; Library District, Fire Protection District, Elementary School District 33, and Community High School District 94 and Norix Group Inc. regarding a Property Tax Abatement related to the development of the Norix Property. The agreement and subsequent revisions have been reviewed by our legal counsel. As a requirement from the City of West Chicago, for occupancy purposes, the revised IGA is attached for your approval. |
H.8.a.1. RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the Intergovernmental Agreement providing a property tax abatement for the development Norix Group Inc. Property, as presented.
I. EXECUTIVE SESSION - only if needed and with the understanding that possible action could be taken on matters discussed in closed session.
J. RECOMMENDED MOTION TO MOVE TO CLOSED SESSION: That the Board of Education hold a Closed Session at [Time] for the purpose(s) of [1 - 15 below].
J.1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees.
J.2. Collective negotiating matters.
J.3. The selection of a person to fill a public office.
J.4. Evidence or testimony presented in open hearing, or in closed hearing, where specifically authorized by law, to a quasi-adjudicative body.
J.5. The purchase or lease of real property.
J.6. The setting of a price for sale or lease of property.
J.7. The sale or purchase of securities, investments, or investment contracts.
J.8. Emergency security procedures.
J.9. Student discipline.
J.10. The placement of individual students in special education programs.
J.11. Litigation has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal.
J.12. Establishment of reserves or settlement of claims as provided by local government and governmental employees Tort Immunity Act.
J.13. Self-evaluation.
J.14. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under Open Meetings Act (P.A. 88-621, effective 1-1-95).
J.15. Considering meetings between internal or external auditors and governmental audit committees, finance committees, and their equivalents, when the discussion involves internal control weaknesses, identification of potential fraud risk areas, known or suspected frauds, and fraud interviews conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards of the United States of America.
That the Board of Education return to Open Session at [Time]. |
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Education meeting be adjourned at [Time]. |