July 22, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION - Roll Call) The consent agenda consists of non-controversial items that the Board adopts routinely without debate. Any single member may remove an item from the consent agenda by requesting removal at the time the consent agenda is moved for adoption. The full text of items approved by consent may be found at the conclusion of the agenda.
(7:00-7:05) |
I.A. Approval of Agenda
I.B. Approval of Minutes (Meetings of June 24 and July 13, 2010)
I.C. Approval of Payment of Bills and Other Financial Transactions in the grand total amount of $3,936,315.87.
I.D. Approval of Personnel Staff Changes
I.E. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations
I.F. Approval for Submission of Grant Applications
I.G. Approval of Minnesota School Boards Association Membership Renewal
I.H. Quarterly Expenditures for Board Members
I.I. Call for Bids - Apollo Grounds Building
I.J. Change Order #1 - McKinley, Discovery, North, South Remodeling Project
II.A. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Update
A Skyward update will be presented. Usage, successes and challenges will be reviewed. Skyward is the District's Student Information System that was implemented during the 2009-2010 school year.
II.B. Proposed Revised Board Policy 206 - Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints About Persons at School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations (First Reading)
Board Member Deb Lalley, Chair of the Board Development Committee, will review proposed revisions to Board Policy 206. A copy is attached.
II.C. Wage and Benefit Package for Non-Represented Employees of St. Cloud Area School District 742
At a July 13, 2010, Special Board Meeting, the Board of Education approved a wage and benefit package for the Nonrepresented Employees of St. Cloud Area School District 742 for 2009-2011. Tracy Flynn Bowe, Executive Director of Human Resources, will review the details of the package.
III.A. Superintendent's Goals (DISCUSSION)
Board Member Jerry Von Korff, Chair of the Board Personnel & Negotiations Committee, will review proposed goals for Superintendent Bruce Watkins for the 2010-2011 year. A copy is attached.
III.B. Approval of 2010-2011 Special Education Budget (ACTION)
Kevin Januszewski, Executive Director of Business Services, will present an updated 2010-2011 Special Education budget for Board of Education approval. The Special Education budget was reviewed and discussed at a Board of Education Work Session held on July 13, 2010.
The Administration recommends approval of the 2010-2011 State Special Education, Special Education Transportation and State Special Education Revenue Budget as follows: Budget 2010-11 Year Revenues State Regular $ 7,967,767 State Transportation 1,705,633 State Excess Aid 2,050,000 Tuition 600,000 Third Party Billing 525,000 General Ed. - Residents 2,350,000 Total Revenues $15,198,400 Revenues Special Education State Salaries & Benefits $20,440,976 Other State Expenditures 645,173 Transportation 2,087,053 Total Expenditures $23,173,202 Funding Shortfall ($7,974,802) |
III.C. Special Education Personnel Staff Changes (ACTION)
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits.
III.C.1. Licensed Staff
New Hire
Michelle Hanson, Special Education Teacher, Technical High School, action effective for the 2010-2011 school year, Lane BA, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Hanson’s salary for this assignment will be $33,397.00. Jessica Hessler, Special Education Teacher, Technical High School, action effective for the 2010-2011 school year, Lane BA, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Hessler’s salary for this assignment will be $33,397.00. Ashley Mattson, Special Education Teacher, Discovery Community School, action effective for the 2010-2011 school year, Lane MA, Pay Level 2 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Mattson’s salary for this assignment will be $39,598.00. Heidi Schliepsiek, Speech-Language Pathologist (Long Call Substitute), Madison Elementary School, action effective for the 2010-2011 school year, Lane MA, Pay Level 3 (80% of a full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Schliepsiek’s salary for this assignment will be $33,068.80. Nicole Zitzow, Speech-Language Pathologist, North Junior High School (50%) and Madison Elementary School (50%), action effective for the 2010-2011 school year, Lane MA, Pay Level 3 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Zitzow’s salary for this assignment will be $41,336.00. Rehire Julie Strang, Special Education Teacher, Technical High School, action effective for the 2010-2011 school year, Lane BA, Pay Level 3 (full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Strang’s salary for this assignment will be $34,602.00. Shari Welch, Special Education Teacher, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, action effective for the 2010-2011 school year, Lane MA, Pay Level 2 (60% of a full time contract for 188 days). Ms. Welch’s salary for this assignment will be $23,758.80. |
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
The Superintendent may present information on current activities in District 742.
IV.B. Board of Education Standing Committee Reports
Standing Committee Reports will be presented as follows:
Board Development Committee (Deb Lalley, Chair) Community Linkages Committee (Bruce Mohs, Chair) Finance and Audit Committee (Bruce Hentges, Chair) Integration and Equity Committee (Les Green, Chair) Legislative Committee (Cindy Harner, Chair) Personnel & Negotiations Committee (Jerry Von Korff, Chair) |
Board of Education members may suggest items/topics for future Board Meeting agendas. Items brought forth should have been previously discussed with the Board Chair or Vice Chair, Board Standing Committee, or at a prior Board Work Session/Meeting.
August Work Session Topics will include: Discipline Policy Checklist Superintendent's Goals |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (Detail Information)
VI.A. Approval of Agenda.
VI.C. Approval of Payment of Bills
The Administration recommends approval of the payment of bills and other financial transactions in the amount of $3,735,082.04 (Check Numbers 185869-186548, along with Wire amount of $359,213.09) and P Card Total of $201,233.83, for a grand total of $3,936,315.87.
VI.D. Personnel Staff Changes
The Administration recommends approval of the following personnel changes pursuant to relevant laws and appropriate provisions of negotiated agreements between the Board of Education and exclusive representatives. For new hires, the indicated rates are consistent with current negotiated agreements and Board approved rates of pay. All rates/salaries listed do not include fringe benefits.
VI.D.1. Licensed Staff
Randall Arnold, Assistant Director of Special Education, District Administration Office, action effective July 1, 2010 for the 2010-2011 school year, at a yearly salary of $99,804.00. Mr. Arnold has been the Assistant Director of Special Education for 6 years. Shawn Hoffman-Bram, Director of Community Education, Community Education Center, action effective July 1, 2010 for the 2010-2011 school year, at a yearly salary of $105,261.00. Ms. Hoffman-Bram has been the Director of Community Education for 11 years. Resignation Karla Bertram, Math Teacher, Area Learning Center –West, action effective June 7, 2010. Ms. Bertram is currently on leave. Summer School Teachers – Hourly rate of $30.00 per hour effective June 14, 2010, through August 5, 2010. Summer School Teachers – ESY Shereen Anderson - $45.56/hr Katie Bauerly - $35.57/hr Kirsten Doering - $41.63/hr Megan Duncanson - $30.00/hr Ellen Mackinney - $26.29/hr Joanie Meyer - $42.39/hr Lindsay Rekstad - $33.62/hr Jessica Rodeberg - $27.22/hr Wendy Rysavy - $32.73/hr Myra Schrup - $28.13/hr Cynthia Stang - $30.42/hr Elisabeth Wallen - $25.38/hr |
VI.D.2. Non-Licensed Staff
Leave of Absence
Jennifer Borgstrom, Special Education Paraprofessional, Discovery Community School, action effective for the 2010-2011 school year. New Hire Michelle Backes, Behavior Interventionist, Area Learning Center – West, action effective August 25, 2010, at a rate of $12.01 per hour. Lorraine Bairett, Classroom Paraprofessional, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, action effective August 30, 2010, at a rate of $10.47 per hour. Jackie Gall, Kitchen Helper, Talahi Community School, action effective September 7, 2010, at a rate of $10.27 per hour. Jan Thueringer, Clerk Typist II, Roosevelt Early Childhood Center, action effective July 1, 2010, at a rate of $11.51 per hour. Budget Reduction Amy Heinen, Special Education Paraprofessional, Westwood Elementary School, action effective June 4, 2010. Resignation Karen Chase, Adequate Yearly Progress Support Teacher, Discovery Community School, action effective August 16, 2010. Corinne Hilsgen, Secretary Bookkeeper II, Apollo High School, action effective July 12, 2010. Ms. Hilsgen is currently on leave. Kathryn Then, Clerical Paraprofessional, Community Education Center, action effective June 30, 2010. Retirement Suzanne Katzner, Special Education Paraprofessional, Oak Hill Community School, action effective June 4, 2010, after almost 13 years of service in District 742. Ms. Katzner is currently on leave. Diane Lommel, Clerical Paraprofessional, Talahi Community School, action effective July 1, 2010, after almost 31 years of service in District 742. Summer School Cultural Navigator Lang Turner - $10.18/hr Health Paraprofessional Patricia Arnold - $13.77/hr (ESY) Special Education Paraprofessionals Jennifer L. Anderson - $10.18/hr (ESY) Miranda Berhow - $9.53/hr (ESY) |
VI.E. Acceptance of Grant Awards/Donations (Requires 2/3 Majority of Governing Board, Minnesota Statute §465.03)
The Administration recommends acceptance of the following grant awards/donations:
1. Donation of 14 bicycles (estimated value of $1,750.00) to Oak Hill Community School from Ron Bauer, The Horace Mann Companies. 2. Donation in the amount of $100.00 to the Tech High School Skills USA Program from Columbia Gear for the national competition and trip. 3. Donations as follows to the Tech High School Scholarship Program: Jack Zander Memorial Scholarship - $500.00 St. Cloud Eagles Scholarship (2009) - $400.00 Paula Hoffman Memorial Scholarship - $800.00 Bonnie Lewandowski Memorial Scholarship - $500.00 Tech Alumni Scholarship (2009) - $2,000.00 Kopp Family Foundation (RAK) - $1,000.00 Class of 1959 Scholarship $1,200.00 Rhett Reiter Memorial Scholarship (2009) - $250.00 Voice of Democracy Scholarship (2009) - $1,500.00 Class of 1967 Scholarship - $250.00 Paulson Family Knowledge Bowl Scholarship - $500.00 Connexus Energy Scholarship - $1,000.00 Clear Lake Lions Scholarship - $500.00 Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - $3,000.00 Health Partners Scholarship - $500.00 Science Teachers Scholarship - $190.00 Kiwanis Scholarship - $600.00 SCEA Scholarship - $750.00 Granite Chapter Eastern Star Scholarship - $250.00 Kari Backus Math/Science Scholarship - Millipore Corp. - $2,000.00 Kari Backes Scholarship - $2,000.00 4. Donations to the St. Cloud Classics for Kids - Minnesota Orchestra Program to help purchase tickets and provide transportation for 5th grade students to attend a Young People's Concert at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis, as follows: Coborn's Inc. - $50.00 Mary Margaret and Eugene Bjorklun - $25.00 Henry and Mary Hebert - $100.00 Donald Helgeson and Sue Shepard - $350.00 Catharine and David Van Nostrand - $25.00 Mildred McGonagle - $100.00 |
VI.F. Approval for Submission of Grant Applications
The Administration recommends approval for submission of the following grant applications:
1. Grant application entitled "Full Service Community Schools" by Discovery, Talahi and Madison to the US Department of Education: Office of Innovation and Improvement in the amount of $4,250,000.00. The Full-Service Community Schools program encourages the coordination of education, social, and health services through community partnerships. The St. Cloud-SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) proposal will include three local elementary schools and several community partners including: Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and Children's Dental. A full-time Project Coordinator and three part-time Site Coordinators will be hired for the duration of the grant (five years). 2. "A Reading Garden" grant application by Kennedy Community School to the NEA's Green Across America in the amount of $1,000.00. The purpose of the grant is to obtain additional funds for Kennedy's Reading Garden Project. 3. "An Intergenerational Project for Clear Lake, Minnesota" grant application by Clearview Elementary School to the Otto Bremer Foundation in the amount of $5,400.00. The purpose of the grant will be to create an intergenerational project with 150 children and 40 seniors in the areas of reading development and artistic creation for Clearview School in Clear Lake, Minnesota. |
VI.G. Minnesota School Boards Association - Membership Renewal
The Administration recommends membership renewal in the Minnesota School Boards Association, as well as the MSBA Policy Service, for the 2010-2011 school year. The membership dues for our School District are $11,544.00. The Policy Service Renewal dues are $490.00.
VI.H. Quarterly Expenditures for Board Members
There were no expenses for board members from May, 2010 through June, 2010.
VI.I. Call for Bids - Apollo Grounds Building
The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize a call for bids for Apollo Grounds Building to be opened on Friday, August 13, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time.
This project will be funded with Operating Capital. The Call for Bids is available at www.isd742.org. |
VI.J. Change Order #1 - North, South, McKinley, Discovery Remodeling Project
The Administration recommends approval of Change Order #1 for the above named project with Alliance Building Corporation, in the total amount of +$13,885.87 for the following: at McKinley - add floor finish, new door at Jan 142, wrap around frames, delete wall in 141, remove base cabinet in 145, remove shelving, paint room 138, new flooring in Art G81, remove base and patch wall in Toilet 106, new flooring in Room 140, provide floor prep to wood floor in Room 124; Discovery, add carpet to computer room 147; North - remove flooring in upper media A229 and office A231; South - garage bearing elevation and overhead door height, VCT in lieu of LCT, delete one window in academic support, modify copy room A229 to 8' wide.
This project is funded from Operating Capital. |