May 20, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledges
4. Special Presentation to Jerral Walker for his years of service to Pittsburg ISD
5. Oath of office to elected board members
6. Items for Action: Discussion and Consideration
6.1. Reorganization of board officers
* President * Vice-President * Secretary |
7. Public Forum
7.1. Public Forum
8. Presentations
8.1. High School Students
* Valedictorian- Gabriel Gutierrez * Salutatorian- Lessly Garza |
8.2. Pirate Gold Award
8.3. FFA Poultry, Wildlife and Forestry Teams
8.4. State Qualifier in Girls' Track
9. Communication to and from Board
9.1. Graduation May 24, 2019
9.2. Affirmation of Board of Trustees Operating Procedures
10. Consent Agenda
10.1. Financial Report
10.2. Minutes
11. Information Items and Discussion
11.1. Enrollment
11.2. Construction
Charlie Price
11.3. Special Presentation
11.4. Child Nutrition and Community Eligibility Provisions
12. Items for Action: Discussion and Consideration
12.1. Approve Board of Trustee Operating Procedures for 2019
12.2. Approve signatures for new board officers for accounts at Pilgrim Bank
12.3. Approve invoices for work on bond construction projects
12.4. Approve change of signature on CTE bank checks from Judy Pollan to Terry Waldrep
12.5. Approve the change of official superintendent signature from Judy Pollan to Terry Waldrep
13. Adjournment