August 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Educational Program Committee meeting
Agenda |
1. CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 p.m. in the River Falls High School Media Center
4. Approve the 2021-2022 Assessment Calendar
Jennifer Peterson, Director of Academic Services, will present committee members with the 2021-22 Assessment Calendar for the School District of River Falls for approval. Assessments scheduled include both state-mandated and district assessments that have been priorities and identified to be administered at each building during the upcoming school year.
Recommended Action: Approve the 2021-2022 Assessment Calendar.
5. Summer School 2021 update
Jennifer Peterson, Director of Academic Services, will provide committee members with an update on summer school programming for the Summer of 2021.
Recommended Action: None, informational only.
6. New Teacher Orientation and August Inservice update
Jennifer Peterson, Director of Academic Services, will provide committee members with an update regarding the upcoming New Teacher Orientation schedule of events. New Teacher Orientation is scheduled for August 23-24, 2021. Additional information shared will include the August Inservice schedule for all staff. The August Staff Inservice will be held on August 25-26 and 30-31, 2021.
Recommended Action: None, informational only. |
7. Approve Recommended Substitute Pay Rate at $160 per day for the 2021-22 School Year.
David Bell, Director of Human Resources and Leadership Development, will present an administrative recommendation to set the 2021-22 substitute teacher pay rate at $160 per day.
Recommended Action: Approve the 2021-2022 Substitute Teacher Pay Rate at $160 per day.
8. Meyer Middle School Standards-Based Grading presentation
Mark Chapin, Meyer MS Principal, will present committee members with information regarding the Middle School action steps and timeline to implement standards-based grading at Meyer Middle School. Information will also be shared regarding the rationale for this transition and how staff will be supported in their upcoming work.
Recommended Action: None, informational only.
9. 8th Grade student leadership program presentation
Mark Chapin, Meyer MS Principal, will provide committee members with information regarding a new leadership program that will be starting at Meyer MS this upcoming school year for 8th grade students.
Recommended Action: None, informational only.
10. eSchool update
District staff will present an eSchool update to committee members specific to both the K-8 and 9-12 virtual options for students for the 2021-22 school year. Information provided will include current enrollment information, programming, and current action steps to ensure successful programming is in place for students this fall for the upcoming school year.
Recommended Action: None, informational only.
11. River Falls High School ACP Portfolio Presentation
Kit Luedtke, River Falls High School Principal, and Melisa Hansen, College and Career Readiness Coordinator, will share current high school planning specific to high school students in River Falls. Students will be creating a student portfolio during their high school years that aligns to Academic and Career Planning goals. Portfolio content will align with student Academic and Career Plans (ACP) and administration will be requesting future approval to offer this option to students for credit toward graduation elective requirements.
Recommended Action: None, informational only.
12. Proposed/suggested items for the next regular and future Board meeting agenda(s)
Board members will be given the opportunity to suggest items for future Board member agendas.
Recommended Action: As needed. |
13. Schedule next Board/Committee meetings
Upcoming committee meeting dates, times, and locations will be reviewed.
Recommended Action: Set the meeting schedule as follows: Educational Program Committee meeting, Monday, September 13, 2021, 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the District Office conference room, 852 E Division Street. |