May 11, 2020 at 3:00 PM - Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order - 3:00 p.m. - District Office Conference Room
2. Manner of public notification of meeting
3. Annual Finance Calendar
Background: Committee calendar of topics to be discussed over the next fiscal year.
Recommended Action: None, information only. |
4. Referendum Update
Background: Administration will provide a detail overview of referendum projects. Projects remain on-time and on budget.
Recommended Action: None, information only. |
5. Review 8 Year Facilities Capital Maintenance Priorities
Background: Administration has updated the Facilities Capital Priorities list to include potential maintenance work identified during our referendum remodeling.
Recommended Action: None, Information only. |
6. 2020-2021 Budget Contingency Plan
Background: Administration will update the committee on its 20-21 budget contingency plan. With the Covid related state budget uncertainty in Madison, Administration has prepared a 20-21 Budget Contingency Plan that will allow us to deliver a balanced district budget. The document will be presented for discussion.
Recommended Action: None, information only. |
7. Determine Potential Future Agenda Items
Background: Discussion regarding potential future agenda items to be included on upcoming meeting agendas.
Recommended Action: Determine future agenda items as needed. |
8. Recommend next Finance and Facilities Committee meeting
Suggestion: Monday, June 8, 2020 at 3:00 PM in the District Office Conference Room, 852 E Division Street.
9. Adjournment